Another day..

120 2 5

"Another day?"

*you ask

"Or just another reset?"

*they said

"Who's there?!"

They giggled.

"Why are you inside my head?!"

*you hold your head and cried at the striking pain you received*

"I'm feeling bored so, I thought to pay a little visit~

"Are you the one who gives me these headaches?."

*you winced at the pain

"Maybe?" *they giggled

"Stop messing around please!" *you growled

"Oh FRISK. How about we play a game?"

"How do you know my name?!"

"I've known you since you were born, Frisk."

"Wait, what? How?"

*you are confused

"Answer my question first~"

*you refuse

*silence was what have been at the moment until they asked the same question all over again

*you still refuse

"No? Okay, then I guess I just have to do this on the hard way~"


*you saw a black figure holding your red soul

*before you could react-

*you screamed at the sudden pain


- - -

*the pain stops but it still haunts you

*you felt someone staring at you

*you turn your head

'Red eyes?'

*you thought

*infront of you was a little kid holding out a knife

"You got to be kidding me right? No.. this is just probably a dream! Ahah! Yeah, it must be!"

*you feel your sanity slowly fading

*you felt chains locking you

"Since when?!-"

"Hush now little puppet. No matter how much you refuse, it doesn't matter. I can do what I want anyways!~"

*they giggled again

*you are scared

*they did different multiple torture techniques on you

*while you did nothing else but scream and cry

- - -

"Ahahahaha! Isn't this fun?! Your reaction really gives me more energy and..DETERMINATION:)"

"No! NO!! Stop! Please!! Someone help me!"

*you prayed out

*but nodody answers

. . .

*you heard a little yell


*you wanted to yell back but before you could-

*you lost your conciousness

- - -

Yee- to be continued:P


So yeah.

Here's a question and a dare from Spectre_Flare:

Q: Sans! Who do you ship Frisk with? Everyone, I dare you to admit your crushes

Sans: Erm..uh..

Frisk: ???

*Sans runs away*

Frisk: Pfft what a dork.

Psst! Answer the dare guys!

Frisk: Oh! um, its..*face reddened(?)* Sans

Frans shippers: YAYY

Shoo! You guys are not in the script!>:0

Frans shippers: Awh okay

Now continue!


Undyne: That would be alphys!!

Alphys: U-uhm..i-its..Undyne*steams from embarrasment*

Gaster: wth

Toriel: I'm already married but we broke up.

Asgore: I don't only admire Toriel but also love her<3

Mettaton: No other than myself darlings~~

Thats it for now! I'm sorry for taking too long but short update! I should've continue this but the exams are coming next week. Byee

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