The Time Lady

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When Rose got The Doctor to the TARDIS, she waited for him to wake up. While he was sleeping, little bits of yellow energy came out of his mouth.

"What is that? Never mind that. I shouldn't mess with him," Rose told herself.

Since all of The Doctor's books were written in Gallifreyan, the language of his planet, Rose had to find other ways to amuse herself while she waited. So, she pulled out tea and the rose with a silver tube from her bag. In the process, she accidentally spilled the tea cup. The steam from the tea rose through the floor and suddenly The Doctor woke up.

"How am I in the TARDIS?" asked The Doctor.

"I carried you here after you passed out on the Eiffel Tower. You've been sleeping for hours," replied Rose.

"Oh, and what's that in your hand?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. It destroys Daleks like your sonic screwdriver, though," she replied while handing the item to The Doctor.

He pulled out his sonic screwdriver, "My sonic's out of power. Let's see..." He used Rose's item to charge it and his sonic worked again.

"What? Oh, no, that's not possible. Is it?" The Doctor asked himself.

"What? What do you think it is?" she asked him.

"You're not going to believe this, but it's a sonic screwdriver," He replied.

Rose just stared at The Doctor with a confused look that said "You can't be serious."

"Wait, if I have a sonic screwdriver, does that mean I'm a--"

"Time Lady, yes."

"But that's impossible,"

"No, it's actually really possible because 400 years or so ago, I found a little blonde baby Time Lady. Unfortunately, that's when the War was going on so, I took her to Earth where she'd be safe. I guess she was you. Isn't that coincidental?" said The Doctor.

"You're kidding, right? How am I around 400 years old?" Rose asked.

"Rose Tyler, you're a Time Lady," The Doctor told Rose.

Rose stared at him again, this time even more confused.

"Wait a minute. If you're a Time Lady, then you were the noise I heard! When we were in Paris, I heard a heartbeat. Two of them, actually. I thought it was just me, but I guess it was it was you," said The Doctor.

"Since I'm apparently a Time Lady, that means...we're both the last of the Time Lords," said Rose.

He smiled, "I guess so."

"Now, you don't have to be alone. You've got me and I'm never gonna leave you," Rose said as she held his hand.

Continued in part 4

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