Nine To Ten

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The Doctor and Rose stood at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower, staring up at the Dalek fleet.
"Hey, Daleks! Guess who?" The Doctor yelled at the fleet.
"It is The Doctor! Must Ex-ter-minate!" said the Daleks.
"Rose, I need you to stay on the ground," The Doctor told Rose.
She sighed but agreed because it was for her own safety. When he wasn't looking, she ran after him. As The Doctor ran up the Tower and destroying Daleks, his sonic screwdriver started to loose power.

"No. No, no, no, no, no! Not right now!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"The Doctor will be ex-ter-minated!" yelled a Dalek as it shot The Doctor with its death ray.

"Doctor! No!" yelled Rose as she began to cry.

Rose began to search for her mobile to call for help and found a rose wrapped around a small, sliver metal tube. She looked at it strangely for a moment then realized it might be help.

"Ex-ter-min--" the Dalek stopped midsentence because it was exterminated by Rose.

"Well, this might come to be more useful than I thought," said Rose, while blasting Daleks.

When Rose made it to where The Doctor was, he was already regenerating. She stayed close to the rail to make sure she wasn't interfering with the transformation.

"Rose, what happened?" asked the newly regenerated Doctor.

"You...sort of changed," said Rose with a confused tone.

"Oh, well I guess that's not that big of a deal," replied The Doctor just before he passed out.

"Doctor? Doctor, wake up!" she said without getting an answer.

Rose realized she had to take charge and bring him to the TARDIS so, she picked him up and carried him down from the Eiffel Tower.
Continued in Part 3

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