I Don't Love You Like I Did Yesterday

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"J-Just go. Please!" This was as hard to say as it was to hear. The Doctor's voice and saddened facial expression showed that.

"If that's what you want..." Rose couldn't help but tear up, "If you really can't stand me--"

"Rose, please! You're only making this harder for the both of us!" The Doctor all but shouted at her.

"No, you don't seem to understand! I couldn't care less if my life was in some kind of grave danger! As long as I am with you.. everything, it just seems right. Better even. Obviously, you don't feel the same," Rose turned away from The Doctor curtly.

"I couldn't disagree more. You made me better. I was such a shell of a man, and you, Rose Tyler, made me better. That's why you need to go. Spread your goodness into the world; make other people better like I know you can," He gave her a sad smile.

Rose stood there for a moment, contemplating what to do. She couldn't just leave him all alone. What if something would happen to him? There wouldn't be a Doctor out there to go out and fix the universe. Such a wonderful man was so much more important to anything and everything than her, right? Just an average... being. Nothing special to bring to the table. Not a human. At least, not anymore, to her knowledge. Wait. ...He wouldn't.

"Doctor?" Rose finally said, wiping her eyes of the tears that almost trickled down her face. She was quite serious at this point.


"Am I... really like you? A Time Lady?"

The Doctor tucked his lips into his mouth and tapped his left foot a couple times. He was a very clever and smart who knew just about everything about, well, just about everything, but every so often there's a time when even The Doctor himself didn't know the answer to a question he was asked. Needless to say, this was one of those times.

"Honest answer?"


"I. Actually.. Don't know."


You know that moment when you think someone is going to be really mad at you, but instead they act really calm about the situation, and that's even more terrifying than them actually being mad? Yeah, that's exactly how the Doctor felt at that moment. His very shocked expression gave Rose a bit of a smirk.

"Oh? That's it?" He finally managed to get out.

"Well, you didn't exactly run the most thorough of tests."

"I-I suppose not.." His cheeks flushed to a bit of a red tint.

"Maybe we could try it again sometime?" She smiled hopefully.

"Mayb-- Wait. No, no," He shook his head quickly, "You still have to go. I'm sorry, Rose. I'd rather have you safe and away from me than in danger and with me."

"A-Are you sure? You're sure you're okay with this?"

'I'm not okay, I promise.' He thought to himself. "I mean this, I'm okay. Trust me."

"Okay.. well, so long... and goodnight, my Doctor.." The words came slowly as Rose slipped just as slowly out of the TARDIS doors, not even looking at the Doctor or giving him a chance to say goodbye.

Eleven and Amy had been waiting outside, and Amy immediately pulled Rose into a hug. "I'm so sorry.." Her voice was soft and sweet.

"He doesn't.. love me anymore. Not like he did yesterday.."

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