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Nope! Not quite done yet!

Alrighty! I've seen other people do this and I love the idea!

Firstly, I've just gotta say, this book has been one of the biggest roller coasters I've ever ridden. It started off as just something I wrote because I got bored one summer, but then you guys started reading it, and liking it? Like, how'd that happen? I'm happy it did.

There's a few people in particular I'd like to personally thank, but let me just give one, big collective thank you to everyone who read this and liked it! I see your votes and comments! Know that even if I don't reply, I do see them and I greatly appreciate them!

Honourable Mentions!
I've gotta thank my emo nerdy buddies for putting up with my really lame references in the last half of the book😅 Love you guys! Wish we could talk more!
- ilottedrwho 😘
- zim365 😘
- sugarleafs
- the_naomi_w
Don't think too much about the 😘! It just means you're actually as crazy as me about all the references and bands, so congrats!

Alrighty! On to the rest of my thank yous!

-AZLARUE (First ever comment!😊)

Now, just because I thanked a few people in particular doesn't mean I don't appreciate all of you! As I said, thank you all for riding this roller coaster with me! I hope it was a good ride! See you in the sequel which should be up in the next couple days.

As always,

This is Lovely Heartbreak, Killjoy Extraordinaire, signing off.

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