"I know right." I smiled back

Suddenly Murr came down the stairs.

"What's up Sam?" he smiled

"Just back from school, and you?"

"On my way to watch Ryan's soccer practice, he makes me go to those things, I'm not much of a sports fan, more of a runner."

"Yeah with those chicken legs? Hah!" Q laughed

"Shut up King Kong."

"Excuse me I prefer Bigfoot, you know what they say about big feet...."

"Brian!" Murr yelled

I laughed.

"....big shoes... what?"

"Anyway it's nice of you to go to Ryan's practice. You're a good uncle. My dad barely showed up to Alfie's soccer games because he was so busy working."

"Uh.. yea. Just supporting him." Murr looked awkward again

"So I'll see you around." He patted me on the back and went outside

I looked at Q.

"Every time?" I whispered

He looked like he was going to say something but instead shrugged and followed Murr out. There was definitely something going on with Ryan and I really was curious to find out. I entered the apartment and got out my homework before anything else, I was sort of a good student, I never missed a homework but somehow always did awful on quizzes and tests.

"Wow kiddo, wish Alfie was like you" said Tracy handing me a banana

"Not hungry, too busy"

"What do you have?"

"Chem and English. Lots of it."

"Already? Wow this school is tough"

"I also just want to get it over with, I made some friends and was going to hang out with them later."

"Don't you have to work?"

"It's just training."

"Sam you're not blowing off your first day. Sorry but no."

"I'm going to go but I'm going to leave early."


"It was my decision to work!"

"You're going to be fired before you even start."

"And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"When your dad isn't here I make the rules, you're going to work."

"You're not my mother!" I grabbed my stuff and went into my room.

I heard Tracy follow me.

"Sam." She knocked

"I have a lot to do, leave me alone."

"What's going on with you? Are you okay?"

I opened the door.

"I just made friends, I don't want to lose them."

"Doesn't mean you have to yell at me."

"I know, Tracy, I'm sorry."

"But you're still going to work, you can hang with your friends another day."

"Ugh fine."

I took out my phone and called Erin.

"Hey girl! You up for today?" she said

"Actually I can't I have to work."

"Aw okay I'll tell Cory and Ryan. Maybe next time then?"


"Cool bye!"

I got a notification on Instagram and being easily distracted I clicked it, from there I ended up scrolling on my feed to find a picture of Julie and some girl with the caption "she's better than you ;)" Did she mean me? Did she move on? Of course she did, I'm nothing. I threw my phone on the floor and continued to do my homework.

You PromisedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora