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Dan awoke to the sun blazing into his face with a harsh glare through the tall grass
Somehow his rucksack had ended up right beside him
He suddenly remembered his whereabouts
He eyed his surroundings for movement and slowly and carefully got to his feet
He looked around again just to be safe
When he saw that no one was there
Took off in a blundering sprint nearly tripping over weeds, briars, and sticks
Didn't look back
Just kept running
He wasn't sure how long he had been running but he knew it had been quite a while for when he had started the sun was in the dead center of the sky and now the sun was kissing the tree line to his right
He kept running
After what seemed like an eternity,
Dan stopped
He looked around

There was a large wooden bridge laid out in front of him
He sobbed and fell to his knees
The right way
He had finally done something right
He looked at his compass to make sure this was the right bridge
" oh my fuck"
He exclaimed to himself

* Lost Boys  ~ Dan/Howell • Phil/Lester *Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora