I sighed and picked up my lunch of a bag of chips, a milkshake and a pot of grapes. The girls shuffled behind me and Charlotte grabbed her food piling her tray with Buffalo wings and chips.

After we had all paid I followed them to a big table in the corner next to a huge bay window.

“So what’s up with you and the hottie of the school?” Summer asked as soon as my tray clattered onto the table.

“Nothing!” I protested and distracted myself by stuffing my face with chips.

“Uh – huh, so, is that the reason he’s looking over here and completely ignoring his usual fling, Lily?” Summer retorted

I turned and found Summer was right about her accusation, Jace was looking straight at us. Once I turned and our eyes connected. Two other things connected. His and Lily’s lips. Ugh PDA! Get a room people!

“I just live with him, my godmother is his mom and my mom has gone to Chicago for a holiday and left me with my godmother and the jerk.” I finally spilled.

“Oh.” Summer said slowly chewing an apple

“So have you seen any of his boxers yet?” Shontelle teased me with a devious smirk.

I chocked on my vanilla and strawberry swirl milkshake but managed to force the sweet liquid down.

“No!” I practically screamed attracting the attention of the two tables next to us. “Of course I haven’t.” I said in a quieter tone.

“Oh really?” Charlotte joined in, cocking an eyebrow in amusement.

“Really.” I said defiantly playfully glaring at the sniggering girls around me.

Before they could respond and embarrass me further Aiden and Luke came strutting up to our table.

“Hello ladies!” Luke said cheerfully before plopping himself between Shontelle and me. Aiden just rolled his eyes and squeezed in between me and Charlotte. Smiling at everyone and then shaking his head at his friend.

“What’s up?” Aiden asked the table to no one in particular.

“Well, we have found out that Vannessa is living with Jace, cut hasn’t seen his boxers yet.” Christina piped up. How could she! She was supposed to be the nice one!

“Oh really?” The two boys said in unison, devilish smirks appearing on their faces.

“Yes, but it’s true I haven’t, you’ve got to believe me, I’ve only been here for only like 2 days!” I said desperately, fed up with the false accusation.

“Okay guys I think we should back off now” Charlotte laughed. “What is also up is that we’re going to the mall today, do you guys want to tag along?” Charlotte said directing the question to the boys.

“Sure!” They said in unison before scarfing down food faster than I thought was humanly possible.

“Well, we ought to go, Coach has us doing extra practice today in about 40 seconds so, see ya!”  Luke said. He ran around the table giving each girl a hard squeeze. When he got to me though he lingered and whispered in my ear:

“See ya later girly” With that he was gone, him and Aiden running out the hall as girls eyes followed them, most likely checking out their rear ends. Teenage girls these days, can’t control themselves – Oh wait, I just insulted myself!

We were at the last lesson of the day and all the girls had this one. We sat together in a circle with me in the middle. Charlotte to my left, Nadine to my right, Christina and Summer in front of us and Shontelle behind. We had this class with Mr Vincent, a young but pervy teacher. He kept glancing at us and was basically gawking at us when it was working time and he thought we didn’t see him.

Moving in with the enemy...the player! (on hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin