Bertholdt nodded,

"Go, then; for 'tis in vain to seek him here that means not to be found."

Just as soon as Bertholdt finished the line, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Bertholdt turned away from Reiner to face the door. Sweat began to form on his brow. "W-Who is it?" The boy asked meekly.

"Bertholdt, it's me sweetie. I made you and Reiner some chocolate chip cookies!" A woman's voice said from the other side of the door. 

The tall lad got off his bed and walked over to his door. He opened it and there was his mother. She was tall and skinny. Her long raven-black hair in a ponytail. "T-Thanks Mom." He said as she placed the cookies on his nightstand. 

"Thank you Miss Hoover!" Reiner smiled at the woman brightly.

"It's no trouble at all dear." Bertholdt's mother returned the smile to the blond. "If you need anything else, let me know." With that, and a gentle kiss to her son's cheek, she left the room. Bertholdt's cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment. He loved his mom, but sometimes he didn't want her smothering him when his friends were over.

"Your mom is great dude." Reiner told his friend as he grabbed a cookie.

"Y-Yeah, she is..." Bertholdt also grabbed a cookie and took a small bite into it, letting out an audible 'mmm'. His mother was a wonderful cook and her sweets always tickled his tastebuds.

Reiner took a bite of his cookie and grabbed another, "Dude, these are so good. I wish my mom baked stuff like this!"

The taller male looked over to his childhood buddy. "I thought your mom baked sweets sometimes."

"Sometimes, but not as good as this. I don't really think she has the time to anymore." Reiner shrugged.

"Ah, I see." Bertholdt said understanding, taking another bite of his mother's scrumptious cookies.

"So, is there anything else you wanna work on? Or do you wanna take a little break?"

"U-Um...Let's do one more scene then we can take a small break..."

"Alright, what scene are you thinking. I'm not super sure about what I should work on." Reiner took another cookie.

"Let's see..umm..." Bertholdt went through his script again, "Ah, let's do the scene after Ymir and Marco's scene in Act Two. You know which one I'm talking about right?"

"Nope, what line starts it off. I'll see if I can find it." Reiner started to leaf through his script.

"It's the beginning of Act Two Scene four...umm...I was thinking we can do the lines before Ymir comes in...and...ugh...I think you start us off. Your line asks where Romeo is." 

Reiner nodded,

"Where the devil should this Romeo be? Came he not home to-night?"

"Not to his father's; I spoke with his man."  Bertholdt answered,

Reiner began to pace once again,
"Ah, that same pale hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline. Torments him so, that he will sure run mad."

Bertholdt glanced down at his script for a split second before looking back up to Reiner,
"Tybalt, the kinsman of old Capulet, hath sent a letter to his father's house."

Reiner put his script down to his side, the smaller lines were easier for him,
"A challenge, on my life."

Bertholdt cocked his head to the side,
"Romeo will answer it."

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