Something Unexpected

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 I knelt at my parents’ gravesides deep in thought.

“What was it you were supposed to tell me Mum? What is it about me that’s special?”

I sighed, and leant back on the grave behind me. Mum and Dad’s grave still looked pretty new, but it was obvious that the person behind me had been there a long time. Most of the grave stones around here were crumbling; I lived in a small town where people moved out as soon as they could. Where I came from was no cosmopolitan city.

“Why won’t Gran tell me? What’s so scary about this secret? Wish you were here Mum” I sniffed a bit, but swore to myself I wasn't going to cry. Crying wouldn’t bring them back. Nothing would.

I could hear Gran then, trudging through the familiar pathways that lead to this section of the cemetery.

“Tory?” She called out, not seeing me sat by the grave

“Right here Gran” I called back, and she spotted me then

“Here you are. What are you doing sat there? Is something up? You never come here unless you’re upset”

“My dreams have been bothering me, that's all”

Gran sat next to me then, and together we sat for a bit. Gran looked at her hands a lot. That meant she didn’t know what to say. So, I thought I’d get the ball rolling.

“Who’s coming for me Grandma?”

“Hmm?” Gran looked up then, startled by my bluntness

“Who’s coming for me. I heard you in the car this morning.”

“Oh. I... Oh God, I don’t know where to start!” Gran buried her head in her hands, and I just stared at her

“What about my dreams?”

“They’re a... sign. A warning to me”


“I can’t explain this! It’s too hard. This was meant to be your mother’s job, not mine”

“Okay... Well, who are ‘they’?” I air quoted the word ‘they’

“You’re... well, they’re your extended family Tory”

That shocked me. “My what?!”

“I’m sorry Tory, this is going to be really hard for you to take in, I know. But we’re not your real family, not in the long run. We were chosen to be your protectors – your Grandpa Joe and I, and your Mum and Dad. We knew that no matter what, we’d only get you until your 17, then, we’d have to give you away”

“Give... me... away?” I echoed, shocked. Why would they give me away? Oh God, this is like the whole Annie thing again. I didn’t want to go away! I had to finish college!

Gran placed a hand on my shoulder. “I have a lot to explain....”

“It’s to do with Greek Mythology, isn’t it, this explanation”

“Yes Tory, this has everything to do with Greek Mythology”

Gran looked at Mum and Dad’s grave again. This time I didn’t butt in, knowing full well she would tell me the truth this time. Gran had always respected me, and apart from this, had never kept anything from me ever. I started picking some daisies from the grass. It was a habit of mine, making daisy chains. I normally looped a big one around the grave before I left. There was a pile of old broken ones at the bottom of the stone, but I never moved them. Moving them just made me feel sad, and there was enough sadness here already.

“We never expected to have a grandchild. Your parents always had problems conceiving, so we kind of resigned ourselves to the fate. But then Natalie fell pregnant. We were so happy. One day, while your Grandpa was at work, I went over to visit. I can remember that day so clearly.

There was a storm, and I was half expecting my little car not to make it. I arrived thankfully though. When I got there you were crying your little eyes out, you were so scared of the lightning. We all took it in turns shushing you. After about an hour, you suddenly shut up, even though the storm was still raging outside. Then, there was a knock on the door. Your parents were confused, as they weren’t expecting anyone round. So, your Mum went to the door.

Out, standing in the pouring rain was a woman. Well, your Mum invited her in of course, the poor girl looked soaked. When she was seated, she took off her cloak and told us her purpose; she was here because of you. We were all taken aback of course, I mean, you were about 4 weeks old, what could she possibly want with a four week old baby? And... Well, then she told us something we’d never forget. I can remember her exact words

‘I came because your daughter has been chosen. Chosen to lead the future generations in their choice of religion. Because long ago, when the age of secularisation started, the deities of Earth knew that one day the time would come where no one would believe in them anymore. So some of the deities made plans to make sure their religion would stay eternal. Together, they agreed they would bless special children who would someday take the burden of keeping belief alive. And Tory has been chosen as a goddess. There was a reason you suddenly conceived. Your daughter is very special, and very blessed. But please, do not tell her this. When she is 17 she will start receiving messages from the gods. See to it that she is well educated in Greek Mythology.’

Then she smiled at you and stroked your now sleeping face. She left without another word, and we never saw her again”

Gran smiled at me then, with tears in her eyes. I cast my eyes down to my lap, where the half finished daisy chain lay, abandoned.

“So that's what my nightmares are?” My voice sounded strange, like I’d been crying. My cheeks were dry though. I was more shocked. In fact, shocked was a bit of an understatement.

“I guess so honey. I bet that's why that man saved you”

“And that's why you made me take Greek Myth? And why Greek Mythology has started making sense?”

“Yes. But now you know, you can’t stay here anymore. You have to go and receive your training.”

“But what about staying at college? I’d promised Mum and Dad I’d make them proud...” I trailed off, tears threatening my ability to speak

“They are proud honey. I know it.” Gran took my hand then, and we sat there in silence while everything sank in.

“So when do I have to leave?”

“We have a plane ticket for tonight. It came in the post this morning.”

Oh Christ.



I'm amazing, I know ;)

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Thanks to all that have so far, I appreciate it so much :)

Dizzie xxx

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