Untitled Part 8

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Zack's POV

Shit these guys can't take a joke... I know.. it's confusing.. its weird.. but I can't lose my best friends.. honestly I am trying to coop and make things less awkward. I have to joke..

We cleaned the kitchen almost in silence. Sam seemed very skeptical and no matter what jokes I made or weird comments he seemed as if he was lost somewhere in his mind.

We got dressed as smart as we could... then without any warning

Jason: We are leaving in 5 mins guys.

Zack: Fuck ok ok.. coming

I went to go get Sam I didn't bother knocking the room was dark.. I switched the lights on only to find him staring into empty space

Zack: Get moving retard.. what are you too busy observing dust moving in the air??

Sam: Huh?

Zack: we are leaving now.. hurry the fuck up

Sam: ok ok I am coming ... pfff asshole.

I climbed down the stairs cause obviously Jason took the elevator.. then headed down to the garage

Jason was already in his Jeep and waiting for us.

Jason: Where is Sam?

Zack: wouldn't you like to know.

Jason: (with a threatening look) What was that?

Zack: Provoking comment. Relax.. He is coming.

Jason: No funny, provoking or otherwise workplace-inappropriate comments or behavior till we are back to the house got it??

Zack: Yes mother.

Jason: I swear on your future – soon to be- not so distant grave that if you don't behave I am going to kill you.

Zack: That's bullying you know that?? Very traumatizing.

Jason: Yes sure... you guys owe me 80.000 euros for damages..

Zack: Not traumatizing did I say traumatizing ? I meant very kind, polite chivalrous you might say.

Jason: Better... now shut up he is coming.

I watched Jason observe Sam like a hawk. They are getting together aren't they??... There better not be any smooching or other crap like that in front of me.... Crap..

Sam: Sorry I'm late.

Jason: Its fine.

Zack: Perfectly fine.

Jason looked at me through the rearview mirror with a very serious expression and we drove in silence for the remaining trip

Just minutes before reaching his company's building ..

Jason: Ok I want you on your best behavior. Being friends with me doesn't mean special treatment. On the contrary it means being constantly under pressure to perform as best as you can and not be arrogant in any way. When we enter the building we are not friends. I am the boss you are the employees. Don't like it don't sign up for it, no hard feelings. If at any point you want to quit give in a week notice or two weeks notice and we are fine. If your manager tells you to do something you do it. If you have any objection you are free to discuss it with them and if your point is valid I am sure you will find a middle ground. Pull the "I am friends with the boss" card and you will find yourselves fired before you can say sorry. Are we clear?

Melting him down.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum