Untitled Part 5

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Jason's POV

Sam: If you had my permission would you do it again??

What? No... What?

Jason: No.

Thank God I managed to keep my face completely emotionless .. though he was about to .. cry?

Jason: Listen Sammy..

Sam: Don't call me that.

Jason: Sam, I am sure you are a wonderful kid. But I am not. A kid I mean. I don't like relationships. I want peace, quiet, tranquility and when I need some noise I make some noise.. have fun and then back to peace and quiet. You seem confused, it won't work. You'll find someone .. not me.. actually avoid anyone like me.

Sam: You must think of me damaged and stupid huh?

Jason: Nope..

Sam: You don't have to lie.

Jason: I never lie.

Sam: Everyone lies at some point or level.

Jason: Well I hate it and I don't do it. I have lost many people because of it and when it can't be avoided I prefer not saying anything than lying. So no I don't think of you that way.

Sam: What now?

Jason: You come back to the house. Rest, take a shower or sleep it off. Wait for Dumbass number one to come back and talk it out.

Sam: Will he come back.

Jason: My bet is on yes, maybe not today.. but tomorrow tops.. he will be angry as hell though.

Sam: I don't want to cause trouble.

Jason: Oh no don't worry you won't. I however will.

I said with a decisive smile on my lips.

Pff kids are a lot of work...

I took him back, told him to shower and sleep and I'll handle the rest.

The guy is hot as hell don't get me wrong.. but he is a kid. Still going to uni for crying out loud and best friends with my best friend.. I can't and won't see him sexually.

Back to my quiet place.. back in my little garden of tranquility. Trying to shut out the world and all its troubles...

I don't really know how many hours I ve been sitting here.. but my bum feels numb.

I also better check on Sam, cook lunch or whatever. I opened my eyes only to be surrounded by darkness, how many fucking hours was I here? Did I sleep sitting down?

I grabbed my things and headed in the house. Everything was very quiet. I started on making dinner while I answered one of the many received emails. Once the food was ready I went to take a much needed shower. The warm water on my skin felt so good. I was reliving today's events, then my mind started to wonder to Sam, his watery eyes, his soft lips....

UUUhrggg cut it out brain...

I immediately rinsed off, dried myself, tied a towel around my waste and went to my room. I wonder how Zack is dealing with all this. Oh well. Time to check on our little guest...

I left my room and headed to the guest room he was staying at. I knock at the door but he didn't answer. I knocked again. But nothing.. I couldn't even see any lights coming from under the door. I started opening the door.

Jason: Dude I am coming in with my eyes closed. You better be dressed or something.

No answer.

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