Chapter 3

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You were carried into the castle of the home of the two brothers. Well from what you were aware of. Walking in people immediately had their eyes on the three of you. It didn't seem to bother them but it bothered you. Not like you're going to complain about it. Although you couldn't help but to burry your face against Genji's chest out of discomfort hoping no one there would recognize your face. He noticed but he did mind it at all. In all honesty he sort of cute in a way. Probably something to tease about to you later when you are better. Reaching a certain area Hanzo and Genji took part as Hanzo said he was going to tell their father on the mission completions. Genji on the hand was told to cary you to the infirmary to deal with those stab wounds. Genji did for once what he was told. He carrying you to a room, where a woman hummed softly unaware of the presence of you both. They were putting things on a tray, turning around once done. Seeing the both of you all cut and bloodied startled them. Dropping what they held. The small sudden crash showed causing the both of you to wince being startled. "Oh my goodness! Come lay her down here, please" her voice was concerned yet demanding. Genji put you down on the near by bed and you let out a small wince with a hiss. He winced as well noticing that, mouthing a sorry to you As he went to sit. The woman, Supposably your doctor or nurse or something for this, took a look at your wounds and tried to clean them up. Seeing the injuries clear without it being smeared in blood made you notice the wounds are much worse that you thought, it probably need stitches for all you know.

Genji just watch her deal with you. His glance saddening with the cuts. Difficult to imagine the things you went through. Genji heard a cough at the near him. Looking over at the door seeing Hanzo leaning against it. He motioned his brother to come along. He sighed getting up from his seat to go do so. "How she doing" he asked him as he walked off knowing Genji is following. "She'll be fine by the looks of it but. Those cuts? I won't be surprised if some ended like scars" Genji sighed.
"And you?" At that question. Genji looked down at his hands which were still pretty bloodied. He couldn't tell which was his, yours, or the people he fought. "I'd like to think I'm fine. Just a few scratches here and there." There was a small smile on the tip of Hanzo's lip. "Good you should clean yourself off soon. I've got things to discuss with you." Genji's head slanted slightly. His expression going curious. "Like what"
"Our father struggles to get in contact with her clan. So she will be here for a while first of all. At the meantime when she heals we might have to train her on hand to hand combat for her sake in case something like this does not happen again" He started, "and we need to help find a place for her to stay at the mean time" Genji was listening but he felt as if he was going to rant. Which was the last thing he wanted. "yeah, Hanzo" Genji interrupted "I'm gonna go get cleaned up first. We can talk about this a bit more afterwards" he just wanted an excuse to go but in the end Hanzo let him be for that which Genji is very grateful for. Genji headed to his room going get himself cleaned up.
~ ~ ~
"There you go. This should be good!" the nurse looked at you feeling rather accomplished. You looked at her in return, giving them a weak smile. "You should rest. You need much energy you can get" you thought for a moment and shook your head. You may feel weak but you aren't exactly tired enough to sleep "No... I'm fine. I'll just lay down and daze off" Her expression looked concerning towards you but shrugged it off. "Alright. I'll let you be for now. I'll go ask the others for some new cloths for you" and with that she was out of the room. Being left alone, you were left to think to yourself. You glanced down slightly at the bandages in your arms and legs. The look of the bandages made you feel sick. You hoped it wouldn't scar because you do not wish for these memories. You just wanted to go home and be with everyone again. A knock came from the side of the wall which startled you. Forcing yourself to sit up, leaving a sudden sharp pain you choose to ignore, looking to see a familiar person. "Hey" they had a small friendly smile to start off "May I come in?" You did a small nod and he came in, sitting on the chair next to the bed. "It's weird to seeing you so... not bloody, Genji" you smirked slightly in a playful manner. "Haha. I would say the same to you but the bandages just replace them" he rolled his eyes, laying  a hand on you head. Look took a quick glance at the bandages one more time. Well he wasn't lying when he said that, that's for sure. "How are you feeling" he asked to start off the talk a bit better. At least to him "Sore and numb" you answered, moving your body a bit to lay back down, getting comfy. Looking up at him. "Sore and numb? How can you feel sore while your numb" You couldn't help but to laugh a bit at that. The thought of that sounded a bit funny and pretty stupid. "I don't know I'm just like that" He responded with a hum not knowing what else to say leaving you both in slight silence. Although you had something that's been in your mind. So you said it instantly to keep it going. "When... will I be going home?" Genji gave you a long look at that question. Thinking a bit about that. "Hanzo told me our father has been trying to get in contact with them but has failed. Hopefully soon though. But until then you have to stay here a bit." You closed your eyes slightly as you listened. "My group was always known to be so stubborn and slow on messages" you sighed slightly. He couldn't help but to pet your head in a slight comforting manner. "Don't worry they'll answer soon" he assured you. It wasn't much but him saying that. It actuaklt did make you feel a bit better. "Hey... Genji" you heard him respond with another on of those 'hm's and you continued. "I just wanted to say thanks.. ya know for saving me. I'd thank your brother too but he's not here to tell it to." He smiled at that. He was going to continue but noticed the sudden tiredness of you voice. Genji moved his hand away, getting up to his feet. He was getting a feeling you were about to fall asleep due to the position and tone so he tried to let you be. "Well, I'm going to go see Hanzo. When I do I'll tell him about how thankful you are" you let out a small him shaking your head. "No...I'll tell him myself."
"Alright, then I won't tell don't worry"

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