Chapter 1

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It was difficult to tell what you saw. Since well...You couldn't tell because everything just seemed so dark to you. It was pitch black. All you can do is hear faint sounds and currently, It sounded a bit like small chatters of a small group of people and it was happening very close by. Definitely not from people you knew at all and that for sure left you a bit tensed. You don't know where you are, especially since there is nothing to look at. You as well suddenly realize you had a struggle on moving. Not only that but It as well felt as if your hands were tied down together from behind. You were for pure terrified at this point. Struggling in your restraints, feeling tears sting the corner of your eye out of fear but you tried to hold them in. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't even scream if you wanted to. That was taped too. Only thing coming out was muffled scared noises and those voices you heard stopped. Well for a while until you heard, "Looks like she's awake, guys"
~ ~ ~
"Genji, please. Father will be very upset if we don't make it on time.... again" the eldest shimada let out a frustrated sigh. A younger male appeared out of nowhere tackling the other playfully, bursting into laughter. The tackle was an attempt to make him fall but it seems he had failed his own task because his brother did not move an inch. Even so he clinged on, hanzo unfazed. "He can wait a bit longer" he whined. Hanzo shook his head, unwrapping his younger brothers grip from him. After doing so he headed off knowing genji would simply follow along. "Genji, you need to stop messing around so much. I understand you're 15 but you really should start focusing on the clan, you know." He began. Looking at genji the corner of his eye. "When father is gone it's going to be the two of us and you know how the family and clan elders are. It's better to start youn-" Hanzo was cut off from what he was saying noticing genji's bored expressions as he seemed to be mouthing everything he had been say as if he though Hanzo wouldn't notice and as a response he frowned. Genji seemed to notice as soon as he stopped talking bursting out laughing to hide the embarrassment he felt by getting caught. "Don't worry so much about it hanzo. After all like you said I'm 15. You're the 18 year old here not me. So you should be focusing on your own shit not mine." He waved his hand in a careless manner. "You real-"
"shhhhhhhh" Genji interrupted him again putting a finger between his brother's lips causing them to stop walking. "Don't worry about it, Hanzo. My training is enough for now" he grinned, walking off again even if they just stopped. He can hear another sigh from Hanzo as he followed. He decided to stop bothering him with his responsibilities for now. After that their chats were normal, Playful, a bit of brotherly teasing here and there. Getting close to where their location was, Hanzo froze. It caused Genji to do it as well although it was more out of confusion. Seeing his brother put his ear close to the door way it made Genji do it as well. How couldn't he not. He's a curious fellow.

"Do you know how dangerous it would be to send one of our men out there? Especially there! Out of all places!", a clear growl could be heard. "I'm full aware. This is why I'm sending Hanzo instead." This voice in the other hand was soothing and calm. "Hanzo?! You have to be joking! He can't do such task!"
"My son is very capable to do the task! He has done worse and has done well in his training. He is ready and to not question my choice of action.", the other couldn't help but to snap at that comment. It caused the other to silent and the male proceeded. "Hanzo will get this girl for us. It's the only chance of peace with the other clan if we do so. We both know we are tired of this robbing and such so let it happen. Get me my son. This will be discussed further with him" before those guys knew it. Hanzo opened the door to enter. His expression calm as if he never eavesdropped. Genji in the other hand never expected his brother to do that so he was still in that awkward position causing him to tense up and snap up straight, following his brother behind trying to act as if nothing went on as well even if it was pointless to do so. "My apologies father. Genji... um... he was a bit distracting" he rose an eyebrow in response. A small smirk on the tip of his lip. Sojiro loves to hear that his sons are bonding so he couldn't help it. Although, that faded soon. "Mhm... so how much have you heard" his arms were crossed, eyes narrowed at the two. "Enough" was all Hanzo could replied with. Well more of what he wanted to reply with. It took him a moment it to add something else to it. "But I'll do what I must to help the clan. Bringing the two together sounds like a wonderful plan" his father smiled at the response. Something he wanted. Genji exchanged looks between the two, puffing his cheeks, childishly. "I want to help!" Only thing he got from that was a small laugh from his father. "Some other time Genji. You are still in training don't get so carried away. You can help out when the girl is here" this is something Genji did not what to hear at all. "Come on! Please! I'm skilled! I can fight! I'm good enough!" He just shook his head. "You are skilled but not ready. Little Sparrow, please. Leave me and your brother alone to discuss this for a bit." He opened his mouth as if he was to argue although. He doesn't think that's the best idea at all especially since this here is his father. So he closed his mouth shut. Refusing to say anything more as he turned walking away. He just Sighed to himself on the situation. When he walked out, He closed the door behind him and He sat on the ground afterwards. He might as well eavesdrop again. It wouldn't hurt right? Plus He really wants to help. It's better than being here not doing much. He wants that feel of adventure, ya know!?

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