Chapter 2

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The cloth covering your eyes was pulled away from your face. The sudden light caused you to wince. You blinked a few times to adjust. You look side to side seeing a figure not so far from you. You were still trembling by how practically terrified you were. You couldn't speak even if you wanted to by how your mouth was still tapped shut. You tried to sit straight and serious as if you weren't scared but the shaking And small tears didn't help. But you couldn't say you still didn't tried. They approached you and they were much taller than you though. Eyes widening slightly. You felt their hand brush against you cheek leaving a chill down your spin. "Shame it had to lead to this" you couldn't make up their appearance due to their slight cover up. But their voice sounded a bit feminine. They moved their hand away and turns from you. "They just needed to play along with the deal. If only they followed" they looked over their shoulder. A knife being pulled out of their pocket. They placed the tip of their blade close to their mouth as if they were in thought "Now what to do first"
~ ~ ~
Genji saw his brother leave the room hoping up to his feet. "So how did it go?" Hanzo looked at him. His expression rather suspicious. Like he knows what he's thinking, but says nothing about what is on his mind... for now. Olin the mean time, He just answers. "Their name is y/f/n Izanshi. Daughter of a clan leader we've had many trouble in the past with. She's been kidnapped and our father thinks saving her will help bring peace between us both. This is why he sent me to get her tonight." Genji stared in awe listening, his glare turned determined. "Tonight?! Let me help her too!" Hanzo sighed and started to walk off ignoring him. "Father has other plans for you and from what I heard these guys who got her are practically fools with luck. This should be a simple job" Genji knew it was an no but he didn't care, he wanted to be part of it. Genji couldn't help but to pout slight watching his brother go. Although he does have something in plan. Hanzo said 'tonight' and that's very soon. Looks like he's going to have to stay up much longer and he did.

He sat at the entrance of his room, hidden. He waited close to his brothers room and listened for Hanzo to leave so he could follow. At the wait he had things to entertain him but at this point he stopped since he knew it was almost time. A little after that, he heard something. Slowly taking a peak he immediately knew that was Hanzo. He waited for him to take his distance and once he did Genji was out too and following. He tired to be quiet he could especially with what he learned in his training. Hanzo hasn't notice so he knew he was good.

After a bit... this place where he was. It felt unfamiliar to him. So he knew he had to be careful as he can be and not loose trace of Hanzo. Getting lost is the last thing he wanted. It's surprising how it's not so far from his home yet the area feels so new to him. Although in result of this he couldn't help but to get even closer. Noticing Hanzo got to a stop. It caused Genji to freeze. "I told you not to come" the tone of his voice sounded very irritated. Genji stared in slight shock not knowing what to say. Well shouldn't he be surprised to begin with. Hanzo was always the type to notice people by his senses real quick. Although the surprise though was why so late? "I knew you were following me from the start but didn't think you'd go this far with me." He grumbled. Genji' smile grew a bit awkward rubbing the back of his neck. Oh, so that was the reason it took long. "Why do you want to help this girl so bad" Hanzo was already questioning Genji's actions again. "I want to be helpful," he started, "it's not like I'm going to let my brother go alone. What if something bad happened after all like you said. They are fools but with luck" his voice sounded a bit concerned yet pretty teasingly. the eldest rolled his eyes in response to that and Walked over to his brother, laying a hand on his head, not giving much a care if it were to mess with his hair. "It's not like I can send you back anyway. We are already far enough as it is." Ruffling his hair a bit he let it go. "Just stay out of danger's path alright?" Genji did an excited nod as he followed his brother who started walking off. His brother wasn't joking when he said they were far enough. They were already there at this point. Hanzo hid behind a pillar, dragging Genji along. He put a finger between his lips. Signaling Genji to be silent which he nod in response to. Hanzo stuck out his head slightly checking the clear. No one was really guarding the place. He couldn't tell if there was not many people to begin with or a simple trap. Either way he is taking no risk. His eyes kept looking about at the buildings appearance. Well for one he quickly noticed the cameras and He knows the door is locked but... something got his attention. Looking over at Genji, he whispered, "I have an idea and it results you climbing through a window." Hanzo had a katana and bow and arrow at hand. He noticed how Genji didnt have many weapons to go with. "Did you bring your shurikens?" Genji nod slightly "not many to last though" he responded. Hanzo had a feeling of that and handed him his katana. "You need this more than I then. I have a spare knife and arrows. I'll last longer" The young boy blinked a few times surprised. "You were very ready for this weren't you?" Hanzo smirked looking away from Genji, pulling out his bow and arrow. "I was trained for this like you are too. Now when I hit the camera, run for it to open the door. I doubt these idiots will notice for a long while" with that he started to aim. He isn't the best Aimer yet with this since he's still in training but what he's learned is good enough to survive and that's all that mattered to him. He took his aim and took the shot. Hitting the spot he wanted and soon right after Genji was off. The window was a high reach so with the little time he had he managed to open it, jumping in. Hanzo stayed out and waited for his cue to go in.

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