Protect Me | OOR's Toruka

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Taka was always a sensitive one. Many things hurt him, but he only showed it to the man dearest to him.


Even just thinking of his name got Taka all flustered. It sent butterflies to his stomach and a curl at the side of his soft, plump lips. Toru protected Taka, like a mother would to her child. Toru made sure nothing and no one could ever hurt his loving boyfriend, and little did he know he was just about to prove it.

Toru was on his way home from shopping with Ryota. He had bought dinner for tonight and a nice button-up shirt for Taka. The guitarist loved spoiling Taka, nothing makes him happier than see his small, cuddly boyfriend jumping up and down with a face full of glee.

He neared the last corner to their shared Tokyo apartment before getting out his hand to press in the code for his home. Luckily the lift wasn't broken as usual and Toru walked through the modernly decorated hallway and entered the elevator. Toru took the usual elevator stance and waited for the doors to open, now on the floor of his flat.

In no time Toru opened his front door to a silent apartment. "Taka?" He called, entering his home whilst taking his shoes off. He placed his stone grey trainers by the door and searched for his short-haired companion. "Sweetheart, where are you?" He interrupted himself once he saw Taka spread out on the sofa, sleeping. A hushed awe left his mouth and he quietly dropped his backpack, walking over. He keeled down by his head and stroked his hair away from his face. The short brown strands were soft and silk and Taka purred a little, shuffling into the affection. Toru continued until Taka's large round eyes opened.

"Toru?" He asked in a small, cute voice.

"Yes gorgeous, it's me."

"When did you get home?" He asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes from sleep. His t-shirt was lifted slightly and Toru could the the older's tanned, mochi tummy.

"Just a few minutes ago. I'm going to start dinner, do you want to help?"

"Sure." The brunette smiled, standing up and following the younger. On the way to the kitchen Toru picked up his backpack and set it on the kitchen counter. He began unpacking the things.

"Why are you sad, baby?" Toru asked, searching for all the utensils he would need to prepare tonight's meal. "I found you sleeping in the middle of the day, that only happens when somethings bothering you."

"It's nothing, don't worry." He lied trying to get his boyfriend off the subject. Toru left everything on the kitchen counter and wrapped his toned arms around Taka's waist.

"I thought we promised to be honest with each other." The blonde said cheekily.

"I know but-" Taka started.

"But what?" A sigh left the vocalist and he confessed.

"Not that long ago I was talking to a friend from a band like ours and he said that people were being really invasive and harassing him in public and it's bothering me." A worried look plastered his face and made Toru's heart ache. He took he elders hands and pulled them into his chest.

"Baby, listen to me. I promise you no one is ever gonna hurt you, i won't allow it. You mean so much to me. I'll protect you." Taka pulled hands away and instead wrapped them around the guitarist's middle. He then buried his head lovingly into Toru's neck as the younger returned his hug.

Band oneshots | OOR | CrossfaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora