Dating Taka Moriuchi would include

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- he'd sing for you on demand

- like whenever you can't sleep he'd just hold you tight and sing/ hum in your ear

- cutest ball of fluff ever omg

- loads of back hugs

- so fucking rough during sex

- but would never hurt you

- neck kisses all day every day

- watching movies together whenever you have the chance

- watching from backstage at every show

- you're his rock and he never wants to lose you

- hugs where he pulls your head into his neck

- goes down on you every time 

- just because he loves your reaction

- you'd do the cooking, but he would try to help at every opportunity 

- always made sure you knew that he appreciated you

- he always buys you clothes (even lingerie ;) )

- would be so affectionate in public and would make other people feel jealous of you both

- spoils you rotten with food, makeup and jewellery because he wants to treat you right

- teases you 24/7 but never goes too far to make you actually upset

- taka is just a cheeky fucking romantic tbh

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