Take Me To The Top 2 | OOR's Toru

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Read part 1 first ^.^

Your POV

The strong antibacterial smell filled your lungs as you breathed a deep inhale. You were in a bed with tight cold sheets which made you shiver but your left hand was extremely warm and clammy. You opened your eyes due to discomfort and immediately recognised your surroundings as a hospital room.

"Y/n? Y/N?" You began trying to focus on who spoke and looked to your left to find your handsome long-term boyfriend.

"Toru?" You squeaked out in a barely-audible whisper. He had tear tracks down his face but he had the most adorable smile on his face. The one where you can see his cute bunny teeth and his eyes slightly crinkled at the side. You noticed next that he was holding your hand tightly in both of his. he lent forward and placed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. When he came back up he sighed in relief as if any contact you had would make you disappear. "W-What happened?" He ran his hand up and down your arm in comfort and continued what he was going to say.

"On the way to the venue... you were stabbed by some dickhead. They don't know whether it was a failed mugging or if they were purposely trying to attack you." He said sadly.

"Where?..." You spoke as you pulled down the covers with your free hand. Just below your ribs was a bandage about 15cm long. You pulled the sheets back up as they were making you upset. The doctor interrupted with a knock on the door then walked in.

"Ah Miss Y/l/n, I see you're awake." He spoke cheerfully. "We will do a few checks, like blood pressure, temperature and such. But I will leave a wheelchair for you outside so you can get a coffee or sit in the garden for a bit. I know that being involved in an attack can make someone very shaken up." You both nodded a thank you and Toru stood up and bowed to the man. The doctor was probably quite confused but he could probably tell that Toru was Japanese and that he was probably just showing his culture's customs. Once he left you asked Toru for a hug. He happily complied and wrapped his arms under your own and pulled you into a tight hug. (Well as tight as you could go as he really didn't want to hurt you. He kissed your cheek and pulled away as although you were in a country where p.d.a was a lot more acceptable, Toru was still used to his country's social acceptance. And you were totally okay with that. He lips on your skin only lasted a couple of seconds and it wasn't very sloppy and gross like you would expect with anyone else. It was quickly but very gentle with not very much pressure. It was just enough for you to realize what he was trying to say.

"I got a phone call straight after the show and they told me you were in critical condition," He wiped away a few stray tears and continued. "I was so scared Y/n. I'm not letting you out my sight again." You hoped he was joking although you wouldn't mind that happening anyway. "I love you so much." He confessed.

"I love you more, baby." You smiled. You pulled his head down to rest on your chest and stroked his hair. It was slightly damp, presumably from the rain and it curled slightly at the ends. His head was slightly heavy but you didn't care in the slightest. You ran your hands down the side of his face and you still couldn't believe that after all these years he chose you. You looked down at his beautiful, angelic face and kissed his forehead. "Please don't leave me." You cried slightly.
"Leave you? Are you crazy. No, no. I would never in a million years." You smiled. "Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you want to go out for a bit?" You nodded quietly and he wheeled the wheelchair over to your bed. "I'll lift you into it." You pushed away the bedsheets and he enclosed his arms around your stomach picking you up and putting you back down in the chair. He wheeled you out the door and immediately you saw Taka, Tomoya and Ryota in the waiting room.

"Y/n, are you okay?" You nodded with a small smile and Toru placed a hand on your shoulder he knew you hate sympathy.

"We're going to get some food, want to come?" He offered the others. You ate uneventfully. Toru wasn't very hungry and was more concerned in what you ate than himself. You all had quiet conversation and you tried your hardest to keep your cries of pain silent. The others left and you and your boyfriend went on a walk to the pitch black courtyard. The lights from the hospital glowed up enough to show you where you were and Toru wheeled you to a near-by bench.

"You're so beautiful." You looked at him puzzled and you knelt down in front of you. "Trust me I have been planning this night for months." He grabbed your hand and snickered when you gave him a confused expression. "Fuck it, today has been the worst day of my life and I wanna make it good again."

"What's happening?" You asked nervously.

"Y/n you're the most beautiful, amazing, kind, friendly and important person to me. I love you so very much and I really don't care about anyone else of the planet as much as I do you. You make me so happy and determined to do a good job. I swear I'm never going to ever love someone as much as I love you. So please, will you be my wife?" You were starstruck. Toru was someone who rarely kept his opinion a secret but he has never said something as heart-felt as this. The words tingled through you body and boosted your confidence slightly as this perfect human being had just put yourself above him. You looked into his gorgeous deep brown orbs and cried. His hair that was slightly damaged from all the bleach was across his forehead and down towards the left side of his face. "Are you going to answer?" He said shakely. His words brought you back down to earth and you nodded. Staring into his eyes he smiled. "Are you sure?" He giggled.

"For sure." You fell forwards into his arms and hugged him as tight as humanly possible. You put your right arm over his shoulders and ran your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. You squished your face into his neck and he laughed making his chest vibrate and send tingles to your toes. You kissed his neck, then check and made your way to his mouth. He leant in first and pressed his lips to your own, he wasn't harsh but he was passionate and you swear in this moment you could get lost. You moved your left hand from behind his back to his neck and gripped on for life. "Toru, are children are going to be so cute." You smiled.

"Yeah they are, half Japanese- half English." He awed.

"I can't wait."

"Well once your fully healed you won't have to wait very long." He winked then hugged you tighter.

Thank you so much for reading! Please vote so I know that you enjoyed it and would want more. Also I'm thinking of starting to do requests so leave some in the comments? Byeee 💙✨

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