Chapter 21

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            Breakfast was good that day, quite a different type of breakfast though, something I haven't had. The table was set by Claire and Bronwyn, but mostly Claire only because the bird was afraid Bronwyn would break the glass plates and bowls because of her strong manish hands . Everything was set beautifully, there were three bouquet of flowers thanks to Fiona with many plate mats of rainbow colors for each one of Miss Peregrines wards. There were many bowls set on the table filled with raisins, mashed cranberries, and with grits (Old fashioned rice oatmeal). Everything seemed divine, and everyone was in a decent mood including Enoch. Millard and I got there just in time for the breakfast bell to go off ran by Victor to ring the bell as loud as he could, like always. We all sat down at our favorite colored mat, mine was yellow in which I sat close to the window with Miss Peregrine to my far right. I brushed my dress down as I sat and took my seat next to Victor on my right and Millard to my left. I was pleased for sitting next to Millard, we've became great friends and I liked it. We all began to eat once everyone had gotten what they wanted and when Miss Peregrine took the first bite. Once she did, talking among the table started to increase all expect Emma for her Romeo wasn't here and she was lonely. I wanted to start a conversation with her, but she sat right by Miss Peregrine, she was too far away from me to hear. Instead I had started a conversation with Victor, because I haven't talked to him yet and wanted to meet more of my new family. "How's your morning been Victor?" I asked before taking a bite of my meal. "It's been alright, nothing exciting has happened." He stated disappointing while stuffing his mouth with cranberries. "Oh well I hope that changes." I said looking at my lap. "Yeah, it might. I heard the bird talking about Emma, Millard, and I to look over the island for "bad guys"." He quoted with finger motion. "Oh maybe the bird will let me join? I'm good at staying quite and being aware. " I said making eye contact with his greens eyes. "I don't know Onie, only the older kids get to go. You can stay here with Hugh and Fiona to watch over the younger ones." He said trying to comfort me. I just looked at him and continued eating. "Don't listen to him Onie. It doesn't hurt to ask the bird." Millard had said nudging me for support and to get my attention. I just gave a small 'yeah' as a response. "What about Miss Peregrine?" The bird asked from the side of the table without making eye contact. "Onie was wondering if she can come and check over the island with us?" Millard had said while looking at me when he said Onie. "Onie may stay here and watch the kids, we don't want her getting lost." Miss Peregrine had said before taking a huge but of your oat meal. "Okay" I said.
             I watch as Emma, Victor, and two foot marks walking down the hill and through the trees. I sighed as my cold breathe hit the bedroom window making it freeze with crystals. I stare for a while, watching the pattern create to a very light blue to a bright white color. It's quite amazing, what I can do, my peculiarity. I just only wish that I learned quicker of my ability when I needed it, for protection. I adjusted my position and got comfortable to try and unfreeze what I created. I push power out of my hands trying to reduce the ice but only making more. I tried that technique more than once, but it didn't go away, and only getting worse. I had to rest, so much power was created. Apparently calming down helped me, the ice started to go away, i'm now starting to control it.
           It was about 20 minutes after I had unfreeze the ice when I heard a loud yell. It was Bronwyn. I jump up from the ground and run out the door and down the stairs. Horace catches me at the bottom of the stairs from the resting room. "What's going on?!" He asked frightened. "I don't know, where's Miss Peregrine?" I ask stopping to catch my breathe. "She left, I heard Abe had ran into someone." We both heard the scream again. We both hit the door, but getting caught in the door because we were both trying to help. We see the scene, it wasn't good. Hugh was trying to climb a tree that Fiona was creating. Bronwyn was holding Claire and the twins were covering each other's sees and who knew where Enoch and the girls were. The only thing hat Horace and I noticed right away was Olive. She was like a balloon. Floating away as a string was wrapped around her. Apparently she was trying to get something from the tree and someone had accidentally let go of the rope. "HELP ME!!" Olive had cried. Horace and I looked at each other dumbfounded and worried. We didn't know how to help her. "She'll die if we do not save her!" Bronwyn cried. "Fiona! Grow the tree faster." Hugh yelled to a worried Fiona who looked like she was doing all she could. "I saw this in my dream." Horace said. "And Onie you saved her." He said looking me in the eyes. "Me?!? How did I possible do that?" I asked almost as frightened as Olive. How could I possible have helped her? I'm still learning my abilities. And I've barely saved myself all these years. "You flew." He said confusedly. My heart started to race, I needed to grow my wings, but how? I've only done it twice and it was on accident. I looked up to a small little human shaped figure in the air with the huge tree about 30 feet high. The wind was taking her so far, and so high. I could almost not hear a word from her, she was getting quieter. Where's Miss Peregrine when you need her?!? I looked around to see everyone crying. Bronwyn, and Claire. The twins and Horace, even Fiona. I started to too.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I made. It for you." "Not know sweetly mommy's doing something." The blonde smiled lightly while on the phone. "But it's for you look! Just one little look." The little girl begged. "No Onie." She smiled once more, but less patiently. "Mom look it's for you." The girl said more aggressive and throwing it in her face. "No Onie, Stop It!" She cried slamming the 7 year old in the ground and into a rock. "Owwww Mommy, I'm bleeding." She girl weeped and cried. "Maybe if you weren't this annoying and stupid than it wouldn't have happen." The mother yelled, stomping her heeled shoes into the little girl's masterpiece. The broken artwork laid on the grass. To two girls were spilt into two a smiling mother holding her beautiful daughters hand.

           Than I stopped. The tears were gone and my angry grew out of me. I felt the pain, and aggression. Than my dress ripped. Two long white wings appeared and I pounced into the air. I created dust of 50 mph and was flying as fast as a plane. I felt the wind hit my dry face with my hair flying fast back. I flew up about 1000 stories high before I reached Olive. She was confused, but happy to see me. Her tears of pain and worry changed to tears of joy. She reached for me hand as fast as she could and I grabbed her. And didn't let go.

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