Chapter 7

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I was walking with the little girl out of the bog, the little girl was still so frightened and I felt really bad, but happy I was there to save her from getting into even more trouble. "Hey it wasnt your fault you got stuck, you were just trying to find a place to hind." I said trying to calm her down and to break the silence, she wiped her cheek with her wrist and sniffled. "Thanks and thank you again for saving me. I thought I'd be stuck in there forever." She said trying hard not to start to cry again and looking up showing me her red nose and puffy eyes. "Of course." I said smiling. As we got to the front of the bog I went to grab my bag, but I couldn't seem to find it. I stopped walking and started frantically looking around the front of the bog. The little girl noticed and stopped walking, noticed me and waited. "What are you looking for?" She asked, standing there looking confused. "My bag, I left it here to save you." I said looking around squatting. "Oh I'm sorry you can't find your bag because of me." She said sadly while looking down holding her hands together. I was still in my squat position when I stopped stood up. I didn't want her to think she was the reason my bag was no longer where I left it. It wasn't her fault. "No it's not your fault, you didn't take it or anything. And it's okay, I didn't have that much stuff in it anyways. Let's get out of here and find your family. They must be worried sick." I said standing up smiling at her to show it didn't effect me that my bag wasn't there. She smiled and continued walking out the bog. I walked right beside her when I noticed one thing that made me stop again. The snow!?! There was no snow?!? Where's the snow?!? There was just complete sunshine? "Why'd you stop again?" She asked kind of annoyed this time. "Wasn't it snowing here earlier today?" I asked getting to her height and pointing to the sky. She just looked at me like I've gone mad. "It hasn't snowed here in a long time, the last time I could remember when it snowed wassssss........ when I was 4.... I think." She said trying really hard to think when the last it snowed. "But it was just snowing. I remember because it was at least 2 feet high and I was very cold." I said looking at the snow free forest.
            She just shook her head and took a good long look at me. Have I really gone mad? I asked myself. Maybe I have, but I swear I saw it. It was real. Maybe it must be because I haven't drank water all day and have been running. That must be it. Normally when I didn't drink water at Cindy's place I would imagine lots of things that weren't there. Like these big shadows of things, but their would be no person or thing to go with the shadow. And when I told Cindy she would say it was my imagination or nightmares so the snow was probably just my imagination. "Never mind." I said "I must have imagined it." Starting to laugh a little while walking to the little girl. "It's okay, I imagine things too." She said. "What do you normally imagine?" I asked walking over a big log that was in the way. "Me being a fairy mostly, I would love to fly." She said putting her arms straight out while I carried her over the big log to seem like she was flying over it. "Oh really, I bet flying would be an amazing thing to do." I said smiling holding my laugh, she smiled back. "May I ask why you have that stuff on your face?" She said while pointing to my face. I'm shocked she saw it, my face was probably covered in mud. I looked down trying to hide the gold on my face with the mud in my hands. "I was born with it." I said looking at her. She looked like she didn't believe me at first, but then showed me a huge smile. "Wowww I wish I had a mark like that I only have this one." She said lifting her shirt that was in her skirt,out and turning around showing me a scar that was on her back. "It's a nasty one." She said trying to point to it, but obviously couldn't reach it. But then I looked closer and I noticed it wasn't a scar, it looked like a burn mark. A really bad one too. It was all red and white and looked like a big chunk of her skin was ripped off. It didn't look very good. "Well it's definitely original." I said smiling and started to fix her clothes and turning her around. She smiled brightly grabbed my hand and started to walk.
Once we got close to the town it started to get a lot warmer, which cause the mud on our cloths and body to slowly dry. I couldn't see myself, but I could tell we were messes. In the town everyone was dressed so nicely and then there was a young lady and a little girl covered in mud. We were definitely a site. I started to look around to hopefully see a parent going crazy about their child being missing. "Do you see your mum or papa?" I asked the little girl while still trying to find someone who'd recognize the little girl. "Nope." She said looking for them as well. "Well, who were you playing hide and so seek with?" I asked, now looking at her instead of the crowd. "I was playing with my older brother and cousins." She said looking at the crowd still. "Okay well what did they" getting cut off by a boy who looked to be my age running towards us. "Jane! Jane! There you are!" He said running and hugging her bringing her in the air while spinning. "Oh god we thought we lost you." He said hugging her with her feet dangling at his knee caps while closing his eyes. "This is why we don't play hide and go seek without a partner." He said finally bringing her down so she could touch the ground. And then he noticed me, he kind of had to take a second look at me. The second time he looked at me he stood up. "Jane who's this?" He asked. "Oh well this is....... Well I don't know her name but she's the one who saved my life." She said throwing her arms around my waist. He was still staring at me as if waiting for me to speak. "Hi I'm Onie." I said grabbing her arms that were around my waist down and having her let go of me. He looked kind of mad, but then he pulled my into a hug. I was very surprised. "Thank you." He said hugging me tighter. I could barely say you're welcome because he was hugging so tight. He finally let go after about two minutes. "Jane go home and clean up I need to talk to Onie here for a couple of minutes please." He said while she started walking and then turned around to give me one final hug and a thank you and started skipping home.

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