Chapter 3

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"Onie! Onie!"
"Shhh, you'll wake her!"
"Oh, please wake up Onie!"
"Guys stop that, she's trying to sleep"
"She looks so beautiful"
"Look, now she's waking up"
"Good job"

"Wake up"

              I opened my eyes as fast as I could. Looking around to see who was talking to me, then I realized it was a dream and then saw my surrounds and started frantically moving my head left to right. Where am I!?! I immediately was frightened then I remembered the memories of the day before. I soon relaxed and sat back down in my seat. I was still on the boat and it was morning. Looking at my watch to see the time and it showed that it was 8:27 am. Wow, I thought I was away from the mainland. The bad memories. The monster. And I couldn't believe it. I then had gotten up from my seat to see where the bathroom was because I had going to go before I fell asleep, but I was too tired. I brushed my skirt and flattened my hair and redid it by putting the hairband in, I turned to the left to see my reflection in the water when I had caught someone looking at me. He immediately hid his face by the newspapers he was reading. I started to walk to the front of the boat and I again saw him stare at me, but this time he didn't look away. He was looking at me straight in the face. Examining me. I thought maybe it was because of the gold all over my face. He probably thought it was weird or unique or maybe even fake, but I had noticed one thing to make me not turn away, his eyes. They were all white. He had no pupils or any eye color, just all white. The first thing that come to my mind was that I thought he was blind and I know it's not polite to stare at blind people so I slowly looked away. "Um excuse me, would you mind showing me where the restrooms are?" I said in my morning voice to this young worker cleaning off a small table. "Yes ma'am. Right this way" putting the towel down and putting his arm straight out for me to follow. We walked down to corner of the end of the room and he showed me a room that said LADIES. "Here you are ma'am." The young man said. "Thank you very much, and by the way do you know when the ferry will get to Cairnholm?" I asked "Oh um I'm not quite sure, but I'll go ask." He said slowly walking again. "Thank you" I yelled to him to hear from the end of the hallway.
             When I was done in the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror I had felt like a new person. I felt like I could do anything. I was so happy for once and for once I actually ignored the gold on my face since I've had it. No one looked at me different and no one had called me a freak. I smiled at my reflection and skipped out the door. When I accidentally run right into someone. "Oh my gosh I'm ever so sorry for running into you" I said converting my mouth. "No it's alright miss, but could you do me a favor?" He asked. "Um sure what would you like?" "Could you take my daughter to the bathroom? She has to go really badly and I can't take her in the men's, they won't let me and I can't go into the ladies so." He said while moving his hands. "Oh um, of course I will." I said. "Okay thank you so much! Let me go get her." He said smiling and I smiled back. I waited about two minutes when he came back with his daughter. "Here she is." He said, I looked and saw that it was the little 5 year old girl with that family I had first seen when I first entered the boat. I had also noticed that the dad was now holding the baby boy. I was in shock, where was the mother? I didn't ask, it wasn't my place too. "Hey sweetie, do you need to go to the bathroom?" I ask softly as I could to the little girl hiding behind her father. The little girl with bright red hair looked at her father. The father bent down to be face to face with his little girl. "This nice young lady is going to the bathroom with you, Morgan. I can't go in the ladies bathroom, so she'll go with you." He said. "But I want mommy to go with me to the bathroom." She said. His emotion suddenly changed, he was now sad, "Mommy can't right now, she's not here." He replied. "But where is mommy?" She asked "We'll talk about this later Morgan, but right now let's go to the bathroom" he said changing the subject and making her let go of his leg and to started walking to the ladies room, I had followed.
                 The dad held the door open with one hand for the little girl and I and the other hand holding his son. When she got in the bathroom she walked straight to the big bathroom and left the door open. "Did you want me to shut the door?" I asked. She nodded. I shut the door and gave her, her privacy and leaded up against the wall waiting for her to be done. Morgan then started to sing. "I want to be a pretty ballerina, a pretty pretty pretty, ballerina ballerin-aaaa." She repeated that a couple times then flushed and walked out. "You have a lovely voice" I said to her. "T-thank y-you" she stuttered with her bright pink cheeks. I turned on the sink water for her to wash her hands. She could barely reach so I picked her up and helped her wash her hands. I then helped her dry her hands with a paper towel and threw the paper towel away. I walked out holding the door open for her to let her go first. Her father was patiently waiting for her outside. "Thank you so much again! Morgan what do you say to the nice lady?" He asked Morgan. "Thank you very much!" She said looking at me with her big green eyes. "You're ever so welcome" I said to her. "And if she needs to go again just ask me, I'm in seat 10 B" I said to the father. "Thank you" he said then walking away to the back of the boat holding onto Morgan's hand. "Daddy she said I was a good singer!" I heard her say happily. I shook my head and smiled and walking the opposite way.
                I was now at the front of the boat leaning against a pole looking at the water. The wind was blowing my hair and I could feel the heat on my cheeks. "Um excuse me miss?" a worker had said, I turned around. "Were you the young lady who asked me when we will be at Cairnholm?" The man said, I nodded. "We will hit the island in about one hour." He said. "Thank you." I said smiling. "Would you like anything ma'am?" He asked smiling. "Um water would be nice." I said. He nodded and smiled and walked to the counter I stayed there. Looking at the sea to hopefully see the small island over the horizon. It was now 12:41. And I was kind of hungry, I haven't eaten breakfast, but it wasn't like I ever did eat breakfast anyways. So I walked to the counter and sat down. I saw the young man who looked to be about 18 years old who asked me if I wanted anything. He handed me my water. "Here you go miss." He said smiling. "Thank you, how much is it for the food?" I asked. "It's free beautiful." He said winking. I smiling "Oh then I would like a sandwich, please." "One sandwich for the lady" he said waking to the kitchen. A couple minutes later he came back with a sandwich. "Here you are." He said. I said thank you and gladly took the sandwich and went to my seat. I couldn't remember the last time I had a sandwich I think I was about 11. I remember it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it was the best last sandwich I've ever had. I took one bite and dropped my head behind me. It was so good. The cheese and turkey was cold. It was definitely a fresh cooked sandwich. I took another bite and drank my water. This was amazing, 24 hours ago I was just having bread with week old tap water and now I was having fresh food and water.
                 When I was done with my sandwich I got up and threw away the plate and empty water bottle and went back to the counter to get more water. I sat back down in the seat with my water and I watched the waves move up against the boat. I then started to see different types of fish, they were so colorful. A red fish here, a blue fish there. It was quite cool. Then I heard a lough ring. I fell off my seat and onto the floor thinking something had happened and something did. "Cairnholm! We're here everyone! Start collecting your things." I heard a worker scream. I stood up to see the island and quickly grabbed my stuff with a wide grin on my face.

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