Don't do this...

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Yuri pov.....

" thank you for understanding me" 

Victor said. While I wipe off the blood. Why Victor , why? I don't want you to get torn away from me. What if the cops caught you? What if ....some one kills you while your Trying to kill them....what if- tears sowly fall down my cheeks. I fell for a murder....I fell for a crazy person... It hurts hurts so much...I don't care that he kills people ....I don't care that he kills for fun....I just don't want him to be caught.

" yuri....yuri...YURI!!" Screamed Victor. He tries to wipe away the tears but more keep on falling.

" yuri ...yuri I just want to see you happy , so why are you upset?" Ask Victor. Victor ...I love you....but ...but why ?? Why do you seems so happy, so joyful, so caring...but  you kill. I don't care that you kill can kill as many people as you want heck you can even kill me....I just don't want you to get hurt ...I don't want to see you in pain. I don't want you to go to jail than I could never see you again. 

" because you could get caught or die or go to jail....than I'll never see you again...." I said ashamed. I'm so selfish ...

" yuri ....yuri ... Do you care if I kill people?" He ask. He look down ashamed. A few tears fell down his beautiful eyes. Oh no he probably feels sick of himself. No Victor I want you to love yourself  as much as I love you. 

" NO!! I don't care if you kill people Victor....I dont care at all.... I just don't want you to get hurt so please stay safe for me because ....because ...because..." More tears fell down. I'm a freak . I fell for one of the most beautiful person in the world . And I ...I'm not good enough for him.  I never will be. Sure Victor kills people , sure he gets angry when someone gets close to me or hurts me or flirts with me but I don't know why but I love him. He so mess up and broken but I like him this way and I never want him to change. 

" yuri?" He ask. I fell on his chest . Crying, Victor , how could you  fall for some one as weak as me? How could you love me ? I'm not loveable, I was never loveable...and yet you love me ...thank you ...thank you so much.

" yuri " Victor wispered. I felt chills. He than kiss me. I felt his lips. I did taste a little blood on his lips and it turns me on. I know for a fact I'm broken. Victor is so much stronger than me. I kiss him back. I lick his lips. Tasting more blood. He than shivered, I smirk . I bit his lip to draw out blood . He moaned in pain and pleasure, I got excited. I than lick the wound. He holds me even tighter than before. I lick his tongue hoping that he could taste his own blood. He moaned again. He than played with mine. He than grab my butt really hard. I gasp in surprise than moan. We broke our kiss so we can have air. 

 I went to his ear and whispered. " I love you" 

My lovely stalkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora