My son

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Yuri pov ....

I woke up too screaming and yelling .

" WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!!" I heard. 

" my lover" I heard victor calmly say.

I open my eyes to see them. I saw a boy who looks like a 19 year old and long blond hair and green eyes filled with anger . he was very tall, taller than me. He was screaming at victor.


" because I kidnap him." Said victor as he sip on some tea I got . To see my hands tied. I look at victor. He then look at me and smiled ." Good morning my love!!" He yelled . I blush . Wait what's going on?!

" now I'll un-tie you f you promise to not ran away ok?" I nodded. He then I'm tied me as I stay sitter in the couch. " GOD VICTOR I KNOW YOU KILL PEO- " victor cut him off with anger in his eyes. " don't ever say that in front of Yuri again" he said. He had a crazy killing vibe going off him. I felt fear. What was the blonde trying to say?

" look why can't you be a normal person I mean I obviously get it why your doing this? It's just why can't you try to steal a normal person heart the normal way instead of the crazy person way" he said. As he calmed down.

" who's he ?" I ask. 

" WHO ASK YOU PIG!?" He yelled.  

" hey! Don't talk to Yuri like that!! Sorry love that my son yurio he's 19 years old. Oh wait Yuri how old are you?" He ask as he had a brightness in his eyes. 

" uhh 22 "I said.

" that's great!! I'm 25! So I'm not a creepy pervert!" He yelled with happiness. 

" hey victor when can I go home?" I ask. 

" hmm Yuri? This is your home..." He said with a smile.

" WHAT!?" 

" kidnap you" he said with a smile. " and if you try to leave you will be punish" he said with a stern look on his face.

" BARF! You know I'm still here right?" Yurio said. 

" psst you can leave Yuri when I found you trustworthy. You know it's important to build trust in the relationship. " he said with a smile. 

" ugh!! Anyway you even gone forever!! I had to do all the work you didn't do!!" Screamed yurio. 

" I'm sorry I was busy stalking Yuri" he said. Wait since when did he stalk me? How did he stalk me?? Wait wha!? 

" anyway your scaring Yuri so go away" said victor as he made shooing gestures. 

" pssh no way I'm staying ere to make sure the cops don't catch know he does have work you know ?" He said. 

" yeah but I already called them to say that Yuri will be gone for a while." Victor said. 

" ugh! Fine!!anyway where are the Cheetos?!" He yelled. 

" I can cook" I offered. Victor hug me. " oh my little piggy your getting perfect and more perfect each and every sec I'm getting to know you!" Screamed victory. As he kept on kissing my face as I blush. 

" aye Baka! Leave the pig alone will you and let him cook for me?!" Yelled yurio.

" uhh your no fun" said victor with a pouty face. I made omelette.  I hand it to yurio.

" enjoy " I said with a smile.  He end up scarfing it down!

" wow victor your pretty lucky to kidnap this pig" he said. 

Victor than look at me with love sick eyes. " yeah....yeah I am" I blush. 

Oh god I'm falling for my stalker!!

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