Chapter 30: Moving in.

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Compared to a few weeks ago life is going so well for all of us. Conroy left for Harten last night. There was quite a raging farewell party for him, he was the resident bad boy and is leaving. Who will take his place now? I am so proud of him for making a change for the better. When he visited Linny's family on the anniversary of her death, he felt like he could finally move on. She was his first love, she will always have a place in his heart. But there will be someone out there for him, that won't judge his past but help write his future. When I explained my theory on cherishing the time we spent with our passed loved ones, instead of dwelling on the time without them. He realised he had been doing the latter quite a lot recently. We made an agreement of calling each other once a week. He wasn't as adamant Luke that it HAD to happen but said he would try. It's so crazy that I won't be seeing him around all the time. I will have to drive four hours just to see him, but it means I can see Millie and Zander at the same time. A good thing about Conroy moving to Harten is that Eunice doesn't need to worry about him anymore- Xavier will mentor him until he feels comfortable to leave him to his own devices. She will be able to focus more on helping Chloe with her pregnancy.

On the note of Zander, he and Eva have been spending much more time together. They have been alternating weekends at each other's houses. Hue took Eva to the diner and apologised for how terrible he treated her. He had taken some time to actually fully apologise because of how guilty he felt. Hurting her must've been on his mind for quite a while. In him trying to make amends, it gave Eva closure. She understood that Darcy had used him and most likely manipulated him. Eva was able to forgive him and focus fully on building her relationship with Zander. Zander even stuck to his word and let Willow and Harley plan an adventure. They took Eva to Trampoline World then had lunch at a little cafe by the lake and ended the day by spending the afternoon with a walk around the lake and pizza for dinner at the movies. It brings a smile to my face whenever I think of those two little cuties. I wonder how Willow will feel about sharing her boyfriend.

Storm has started communicating with me more and it's meant that there's no weird tension between me and Tommy. We can hang out as a group without me feeling like I shouldn't/ can't talk to Tommy. Storm is going to struggle with Conroy being so far way. But she has our entire friendship group whenever she needs. I feel like Eva's group has combined with us, there is quite a few of us now. So none of us will have to worry about having no one to hang out with. Someone will always be free. I love my friends, each and every one of them. Even though we will all be taking different life paths now that we have graduated. I believe we will always have each other's back. On Instagram you always see groups of friends going out together, it would be so cool to live like that. Rora and her friends are like that. I would love to grow old with these people, but who knows where life will take us. But I'm willing to take each day as it comes. It's all part of the journey isn't it?

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Right now Zac is helping me move some of my stuff to his place, we're gonna be roomies! Max has moved home so he can be closer to Jayda- super cute. I'm so excited to move in with Zac, I know we haven't been dating very long, but I truly believe this is the right thing to do. We no longer have to worry about the traffic on the drive to see each other. Max got me a job in the interior design part of his company so I will be closer to that. Hopefully in a few years I will have enough experience to start my own business. What I am looking forward to the most is being able to kiss Zac good morning and goodnight.

"Just one more load and then we can collapse on the couch and have a beer," Zac tells Darius who has just walked in with whole wardrobe worth of my clothes in plastic bags. How are his arms coping with that? I mean I have a large amount of clothes. I feel kind of bad, cause I only brought up my toiletries, make up and my underwear drawer- Zac and I had decided it was better not to pack those into a bag in case Darius decided to be cheeky and show my mum. He's the kinda guy who would.

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