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"Ugly fag!"
"Go kill yourself already!"
"Starve yourself!"
"I bet you got your nasty ass fucked last night!"
"Who would fuck him? He is fucking disgusting!"

Those had been daily things Alex heard every time he walked the halls at school, he knew every swear word by heart and could say them in his sleep. Even though he could clearly hear the degrading words he just walked along with his headphones in his ears, and music turned up all the way blasting Emperors New Clothes by P!atd.

While Alex was walking down the hall he could spot his friend Keith at the other end. Keith was, well, they were strange. Always spouting nonsense, running around like a chicken who lost its head, asking random people what size there dick was, always having quick comebacks and sarcastic remarks, dying their hair constantly, and trying to get guys to fuck so they could watch. Keith was a really great friend, other than the fact that they never got embarrassed, making it almost impossible to stop them from saying things to people I liked.

I remember this one time where we had been sitting in our old spot for lunch when a super hot dude walked pass us; black hair in the typical (as Keith calls it so now I can't stop calling it that also) tsunami style, a jawline that could make any one cum just from looking at it which Keith swears they did, deep green eyes that looked like deep clear emerald water, a tight black t-shirt and dark denim jeans that looked perfect on his ass. He stopped to say hey to Keith but before he could say 'see ya' Keith interrupted him.

"Will you please fuck my friends ass tonight and let me watch?" He didn't even looked embarrassed! While me and the dude, Jeremiah, just stared at Keith in utter shock while they drank their soda like nothing interesting happened.

"W-w-what? Uhm- I mean uh w-what?" He replied unintelligently, which I mean who wouldn't stutter in this situation? Oh, well except for Keith, but there is something wrong with them mentally so that's probably why.

"Okay I'll say this again then so clear your ears, will you fuck my friend and let me watch tonight? Pretty please, daddy? For me?" They said looking at Jeremiah through their eyelashes and pouting sitting on their knees with them slightly spread apart and hands on the ground between their thighs.

"Uhh... w-what? D-d-did you just c-c-c-c-call me d-daddy?" Jeremiah was blushing profusely and blinking his eyes rapidly, I doubt he was surprised that Keith would call him daddy, but I think the huskiness in the word 'daddy' when Keith said it was embarrassing.

"Of course! Daddy please make me a happy little boy and fuck my friend for me, pwetty pwease daddy? With some cum on top?" They spoke again slipping in to there little headspace voice.

"I-uhm have to uh- bye!" He said running down the hall making Keith pout

"He didn't have to run." Keith said still pouting

"Oh! My! God! What the hell keith! Why would you do that? He is not fucking me and is probably having a heart attack! Asshole!" I yelled at them making them smirk at me

"No I have an asshole, so do you. I was simply trying to have him fuck your asshole with his big hot juicy co-"

"Keith! Oh my god!" I interrupted them, I stood up and went to my next classroom before the bell rang and pretty much ignored him the rest of the day.

That was probably on of the most embarrassing moments ever and I want to get back at Keith for saying that still. Even though they are very strange and super out there I still loved them, they're my best friend and would always accept me no matter what and would cheer me up when I'm sad or in a huge fit of depression.

While walking into my first class, Japanese, of the day I took out my headphones and got out my homework. It wasn't that far into the semester, only a few weeks, so the homework wasn't completely bad and overwhelming. When the bell rang and everyone was sitting down getting there stuff out the teacher started out the class.
"Ohayōgozaimasu. Anata no shukudai o dashite, sore o shōmen ni mukete kudasai," He called out showing an example of what he means by grabbing a students homework and point to the first student and placing it on her desk, while showing signs of continuing, "today is another Japan club meeting at Jona-" he got cut off with the door opening and the vice principal walking in with a student.

Alex wasn't paying attention he was doodling while going over his vocabulary list so he was distracted enough not to feel the gaze on him. When the teacher and vice principal were finished talking Mr. Ward walked to the front with the new student and introduced him telling him to sit behind Alex.

Alex felt someone poke his shoulder so he turned around to look at the disturbance.

"Hey I'm Eric, obviously, what's your name cutie?" He introduced in the silkiest and most gravely voice Alex has ever heard, a voice made from hell but meant for the heavens. His voice was a the purest sin he has encountered. When looking back at Eric it was like looking at a god.

He is so hot!!! What! The! Fu-

A/N~ (the thing that people skip or skim over)
okay so my first chapter! I don't really have much more written and I lost my muse so I changed the original plot to this plot but kept the same base line and characters. I am not that great at Japanese so I mostly used google translate, if there is a miss-spelling tell me please so I can correct it. I will post this one first and see how people like it, and then I will begin with a schedule and do Q&A's and things. Thanks for reading it! Please Vote and review and all the shît!

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