Part 12

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Requests: What's happening??!! Please tell me you plan on writing more Sacrifice soon J AND I can't wait for more of the Sacrifice series, please, please, please write more soon. I love your writing and I can't get enough of your Luci fics. AND 3 others

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Lucifer x Reader

Word Count: 3,065

Warnings: Smut, language


"Lucifer?" Sam asks, "Y/N, there's no one here but us."

"No, Sam, you're wrong," you tell him.

"Y/N, look at me," Sam says, "Are you alright?" You flick your eyes to Sam.

"Yes, I'm alright," you say, annoyed, "But Lucifer is ..." Looking back to the spot, Lucifer is nowhere to be found. "That - no, that can't be. He was just here."

"Y/N, I think you need to sit down," Sam says. He places his hands on your shoulders and guides you to the sofa, encouraging you to sit down.

"Look, I'm sorry about what just happened and I know you've had a long day with the new baby and Belle's birthday and all," Sam says, "But Lucifer's not here. Maybe you saw something move and your mind played a trick on you." He cups your cheek and tries to soothe you.

"Yeah, you're right," you tell him with a half smile, "I'm exhausted; that must be it." You knew that was a lie. Lucifer had been standing in your living room, there was no doubt about it.

"Stay here, ok?" Sam asks, "I'll go get you a glass of water." You nod, your eyes flicking back to the spot where Lucifer had just been. Maybe you were crazy, that kiss with Sam had been the thing to finally make you cross the line between sanity and insanity.

"You're not crazy," Lucifer's voice reassures you. You jump, looking to the source of the voice. To your surprise, there sits Lucifer on the arm of the chair, a smile growing across his face.

"How? Why?" you ask, "You can't be here, it isn't safe, Gabe said so."

"You ask a lot of questions, Sweetheart," Lucifer says, "Can't you just say you're glad to see me?"

"I am, but -" you begin.

"Oh, Sam's coming back, I gotta go," Lucifer says, "Read that note, it'll explain. And don't tell Sam, it's our little secret." He holds a finger up to his lips as if he's indicating for you to stay quiet before he winks and disappears.

"Here you go," Sam says as he returns to the room, "I got you a blanket too."

"Thanks, Sam," you say. You turn so that your back rests against the arm of the chair and lay your legs out along the length of the sofa. Sam hands you the glass of water before lifting your legs and taking a seat, pulling your legs back across his lap. He spreads the blanket out over you before his hands go to work massaging your feet. Sipping at your water, you can't get Lucifer out of your head. After trying to push him out of your thoughts for so long, it felt strange to have him invading every inch of crevice of your mind.

"You should see what's going on in there," Sam says with a chuckle, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Oh yeah?" you ask, trying not to sound as concerned as you really were. If Lucifer really hadn't been there, then that meant he was in your head and that you really were crazy. You sip your water as Sam's actions soothe you.

"Yeah," Sam answers, "Dean's in there in full on construction mode, trying to put together all of Belle's toys. Belle, on the other hand, is more interested in those plush weapons Dean got her."

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