Part 10

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Request: Will you please continue writing Sacrifice? It is so amazing and I'd love to see his reaction to her leaving with the baby. I want to see if they get a happy ending AND The sacrifice series has ruined me, I love it (IM REALLY BEGGING NOW PLEASE I NEED ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!!!) AND Just read part nine of the Lucifer fic. I guess I didn't need to be happy. Also, I'm not crying right now. AND Oh my gossshhhhhh. Sacrifice 9 😍😍 I can't wait for more!! AND 3 others

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Lucifer x Reader

Summary: This is just a short follow up piece to part 9 showing the reader trying to deal with leaving Lucifer.

Word Count: 929

Warnings: Angst


You could feel his cold body pressed up against you, his lips brushing the skin of your neck. "Come back to me," he whispers.

"Luci?" you ask as you wake. Turning, you find nothing but an empty bed. Though the sheets are room temperature, they're still warmer than they should be. Even after a month, you hadn't gotten used to the feeling of being so warm when you woke.

Tears begin to well in your eyes and threaten to spill over. Every time you fell asleep, you dreamt of Lucifer. It was like he was there with you, though you knew it was all in your head. You wished you could talk to him, but you knew you couldn't and even if you could, what could you possibly say to make things better? You'd taken his family from him and torn his world to shreds.

When Gabe had tried to set up a phone connection between your hideout and Lucifer's, he found it weakened the protection on both ends. Apparently, using the internet or phones to connect the two worlds made them easier for other angels to find, putting both Lucifer and Belle in danger. Gabe tried to convince you to go see Lucifer, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. In your mind, Lucifer hated you for taking his daughter from him and he hated you even more for the way you had done it. On top of that, if someone caught Gabe ferrying you between your hideout and Lucifer's it would put you all in danger. You would never see Lucifer again, not unless Michael was killed or you found a way to hide Lucifer and Belle in the same place.

It killed you when Belle asked for him with a simple question of "Dada?" You didn't know what to tell her other than that her Dad loves her and misses her. That meant nothing since it wasn't Lucifer telling her, you knew that, but you tried to do what you could.

"Gabe, if you can hear me, I need to talk," you say to the empty air, "Please." Gabe appears at the foot of your bed within seconds.

"Hey Sugar," Gabe says, "What's wrong?"

"He was in my dreams again," you whisper, "Is there any way you can make it stop?"

"Lucifer misses you," Gabe says as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed beside you.

"I'm not sure how to deal with this," you tell him sadly, "Ever since I left, there's been this heartache that won't go away."

"Does it feel like there's a string tied to your heart?" Gabe asks.

"Yes," you answer, "And there's this constant tugging as if my heart could be pulled from my chest at any moment."

"It's Lucifer," Gabe says, "When angels bond, they create this cord of sorts between their heart and that of their bonded. Since you're human, the cord only works one way. He's calling to you, begging for you to go back to him."

"I can't," you whisper, "I can't put them in danger."

"I know," Gabe says. He pauses before speaking again, "When Lucifer bonded to you, he tied his heart to yours. He'll love you until the day he dies and he's so afraid of losing you. I think that maybe he's trying to worm his way into your mind in an attempt to stay close to you. When you're sleeping, it's easier for him to do just that."

"I've been losing sleep," you tell him, "Every time I close my eyes I'm afraid I'll see him. Sometimes I can hear his voice and it makes me feel so guilty."

"I'm sure that's not what he's trying to do," Gabe tells you, "He doesn't want to be without you. If he's anything like me, he's lost without his mate."

"Gabe, what was it like when you bonded?" you ask.

"It was a long time ago, back when I was hiding out as Loki," Gabe tells you, "Her name was Angrboda."

"So the legends are true," you summarize.

"Unfortunately yeah," Gabe says, "We had kids together, but our kids were nothing like Belle. With her being a giantess and me being an archangel, our children became some of the most powerful creatures the Norse Gods had ever seen."

"Fenrir, Hel, and the Midgard Serpent," you whisper. Gabe nods.

"Needless to say, the gods weren't happy with us," Gabe continues, "Hence Ragnarok. Our only friend was a Goddess named Sigyn. I know what it's like to be forced apart from my mate and if it weren't for Sigyn helping us to be together, I don't know what I would've done. That's why I was so willing to help the two of you."

"I didn't realize," you say, "Thank you Gabe."

"Yeah, well, you shouldn't be thanking me," he tells you, "You're still not together."

"Where is she?" you ask, "Angrboda I mean."

"In the Heaven I created for us," Gabe tells you, "We were lucky, we got our happy ending. I only wish I could help you and Lucifer have the same."

"After what I've done, how could he ever be happy with me?" you ask.

"Y/N, Lucifer loves you and he would move Heaven and Earth just to be with you again," Gabe tells you.

"He'd hate me even more if he knew," you whisper.

"Knew what?" Gabe asks.

"When I left, I took so much from him. It wasn't just me and Belle leaving," you tell him.

"What do you mean?" Gabe asks.

"I'm pregnant," you tell him.

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