Part 8

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Requests: Omg I love Sacrifice part 7! Can you please please write more parts to it? Thanks AND I can't wait for part 8! (AND 4 other requests for another part) AND Hi, I love your fics so much! I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of Lucifer eating the reader out and he cums from the fact that he brought reader to orgasm? Thanks.

Reader Sex: Female

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Lucifer x Reader

Summary: The reader and her family are still on the run, but they try to live as normal a life as possible.

Word Count: 1,740

Warnings: Smut, oral

A/N: There's not really any plot in this part. It's pretty much just a short piece to keep the story going. I do have more plot in mind if you guys want me to continue the story!


Ever since Belle's birth, you'd been able to live a mostly normal life; or normal for you anyway. You did your best to find a solution to your problems with Michael, but so far, you'd found nothing. Gabriel kept you and your family on the move, moving you from hideout to hideout so that the three of you never fell into danger. As far as you knew, Michael hadn't heard of Belle's existence, but that didn't stop him from sending angels to search for you; and as long as they were looking for you, Belle was in danger. Despite the trouble you knew you were in, Lucifer did his best to help you forget.

"I love you," Lucifer whispers. He lies behind you, his body slotted up against yours. His arms are wrapped around you and his lips leave kisses along your neck and shoulder.

"I love you too," you whisper back as you turn your head to look at him. Slowly, you turn in his arms and as soon as you've got him on his back, crying invades the room though the baby monitor. You sigh and flop back down onto the bed. After a moment you move to get out of the bed.

"Go back to sleep," Lucifer tells you, "I'll take care of Belle."

"Are you sure?" you ask, "It's my turn."

"I'm sure," Lucifer answers, "I'm an angel, I don't need sleep. You, however, do." He kisses you chastely on the lips before getting up from the bed and grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. You settle back down on the bed and pull the covers up as you listen to the crying over the monitor. Before long, you hear Lucifer's voice trying to calm Belle.

"What's wrong Sweetheart?" you hear him ask as he picks Belle up from her crib. Her crying immediately dies down. He had a way with her that almost made you jealous. It was probably something to do with Lucifer's grace. "That's my girl," he says. You can hear his feet pacing the floor as he begins humming a lullaby. Belle coos happily at the sound and it begins to lull you to sleep.

When you wake, the bed is warm beside you. You had expected Lucifer to be back by the time you woke up, but sadly, your bed was empty. Slipping from the bed, you grab your phone from the nightstand and stoop to grab your clothing, slipping it on before you make your way down the hall. You use the light from your phone to light your way until you reach Belle's room and peak inside, the dim light from a nightlight shining on Lucifer and Belle.

Lucifer is leaned back in the rocking chair. Belle lies against his chest, her tiny hand fisted in his shirt. Lucifer's hands hold her against him. You could see how attached they'd become to each other. The two of them looked so cute together. You bring up the camera on your phone and take a picture, wanting to save the image.

"Shit," you whisper as your flash goes off. Luckily, the light doesn't wake Belle, but Lucifer's eyes crack open, a smirk crossing his lips as he watches you try to cover the light from your phone. Slowly, he stands from the rocking chair and walks to the crib, gently placing Belle inside it. He moves to where you stand and kisses you on the cheek.

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