Part 3

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Request:Please please please make a part three to "Sacrifice" AND Omg can you pllleeeeaaassseee do a part 3 for sacrifice??!!?? Like maybe the reader gets pregnant or something?? ALONG WITH 7 OTHERS

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Lucifer x Reader

Summary: The reader has discovered that she is pregnant and tells Lucifer about it.

Word Count: 1,739

Warnings: Cursing, smut, slight wing!kink

A/N: I got a bunch of requests that all wanted me to go in different directions with this story, so I decided to start with this part and keep going from there if you guys want the story to continue.


Shit, you think to yourself. You sit on the edge of the tub, a pregnancy test with a tiny pink plus held loosely between your fingers. This was the fifth test you've taken, each positive. You'd been feeling strange for weeks. You felt ill from time to time, your appetite had changed, and your sense of smell was heightened. This was the last nail in the coffin. There was no doubt about it, you were pregnant.

You stand up and look at yourself in the mirror. How do I tell him? you ask yourself, and even scarier, How will he react? He called you his mate, which implied that children were involved, but you weren't sure if he'd actually want one. You had to tell him. He'd find out sooner or later anyway, it was better that he found out from you than through some other accident.

You turn from the mirror and walk out into the hall, looking in each room you pass. When you reach the library, you find Lucifer sitting in one of the large comfy chairs by the fireplace, light from the fire dances over his features. The book in his hands is one you've read recently. You quietly edge closer to him and he doesn't take his eyes off the page.

"I see why you enjoyed this book," he comments without looking up.

"Luci," you whisper, barely audible. He pulls his eyes from the page and focuses on you.

"What's wrong?" he asks, concern washing over his features. All your words seem to have gotten caught in your throat. "Y/N, talk to me," he says. He shuts the book and places it on a table beside the chair. The words still refuse to pass your lips. You swallow hard, your throat feels thick. "Is it Sam and Dean? Did they say something to you?" he asks.

"No," you respond, his last comment bringing your words back, "I haven't talked to them since they told me to leave."

"What is it then?" he asks, "Have you changed your mind? Do you want to leave me?" He sounds almost frantic.

"Lucifer, no, it's just..." your words trail off.

"You have to talk to me," he says, reaching out to take your hand. His eyes flick down when he notices you're holding something in your hand. He takes the pregnancy test from your hand and looks down at it. His brow furrows and he sits in silence for a few moments. "You're pregnant?" he asks.

"Yes," you respond quietly. He doesn't smile, he doesn't laugh, he doesn't even move. You shift uncomfortably from foot to foot, waiting for any kind of response.

"Pregnant," he whispers as he places the pregnancy test to the side. You swallow hard, afraid he's going to tell you that he doesn't want a child. You're not sure if you should say something or remain silent. Lucifer reaches out, placing a hand on each of your hips. He pulls you gently, moving you to stand in front of him. "Pregnant," he whispers again, his eyes falling to your stomach, "We're going to have a baby." You notice he says 'we' not 'you.'

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