Chapter 8

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My whole weekend consisted of my phone, earphones, laptop, TV, internet, music, netflix and food. I didn't do shit but be lazy as hell. 

It's Monday and I'm eating a bowl of mother fucken Froot Loop's like a bad ass. When I finish my Froot Loops I brush my teeth and walk to school. 

You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring's blasting through my ears as I'm walking and see a mother walking her daughter to school. I remember when my mother would walk me to school. I take a deep breath and keep walking. 

The walk to school seem's farther than ususal. It's farther because I'm not at school. I'm at a park where I used to always play at. I don't walk back to school. Instead I take a seat on an old bench and of course, Let's Cheers to This by Sleeping with Sirens is playing. 

I can still see myself running around in this playground, acting happy, when in reality I cried every day. I cried because of my parents. They fought every damn day over every little thing. 

My mind flashes back to the time I had to call the cops. My father had an obession on using the laptop for porn. My mother never liked him watching it so she hid the laptop from him. 

Then it happend. 

I was watching TV in my room and I'm guessing my dad was looking for the laptop and my mom yanked his arm to prevent him from getting it, according to what she told me. She cut his chest with the nail filer but that didn't prevent him either. He then immediatley pushed her towards the bed and she hit her back on it. That was when I heard a lot of noises coming from their room. 

I ran to their room and found his choking my mom as she extended her arm and pushed the latptop further to the beds header. I cried and yelled and he let go of her throat. He didn't come after me, instead he grabbed her arm and twisted it in a way I just couldn't make out. He didn't break her arm, but I could tell it hurt her. 

Right then I ran to the kitchen where the only phone we had was. I slipped on the tile but got up immediatley and dialed 911. The lady said, "911. What's your emergency?"

I cried into the phone, "My parents are fighting. Please help me." She asked me a couple questions and my mother came out of no where and grabbed the phone from my hand. 

She yelled at me saying, "Why did you call the police? Are you stupid?" Tears fell from her eyes and my dad came. 

He sat on the chimney and told my mother, "Next time let her call them." 

I hated him in that moment so much. The cops knocked and my mother opened the door. 

There was two strong men standing in front of my mother and I. The taller one asked my mother and me a couple questions and led us to my parents' room. I heard the other cop talking to my father but couldn't make out what he was saying.

Someone taps my shoulder and asks, "Hey you alright?"

I notice my head's in my hands in between my knees and I'm sobbing. I don't look up I just respond, "Yea. Leave me alone please." The person doesn't respond. I just hear foot steps getting distant. 

When I don't hear them anymore I look up and wipe the tears away from my eyes. I'm not in the mood to go to school so I hurriedly grab my stuff and quickly walk back home.

I get home and head straight to my bed. I'm immedietly sobbing again. I eventually find myself in a dark my place, somewhere unknown. 

I wake up and see that it's almost 3 p.m. I woke up a couple times but was in no mood to get up. Now I drag myself out of bed and go to the small kitchen to eat. 

I make a sandwich and grab an Arizona I had in my fridge. I finish eating and grab my phone from the small black table in the red living room. I have a message from Jason. I open it and he's asking why I didn't go to school. 

*Feeling sick,* I lie.

He immedietly replies. *Oh. Mind if I come over?* This is why he irritates me. Friday or Thursday, I'm not sure, we argued and he left. Now he's acting as if nothing happened. I guess you can blame me too for acting the same, but in reality it fucken irritates me. 

*No. Go ahead & come over,* I send. Since he's coming over, I get up and clean up the place a bit. 

There's a knock at the door as I put away my shoes. I close my closet and walk to open the door. Jason's wearing that damn black beanie and his hair falls perfectly yet messy over his brown eyes. He moves his hair to expose his wonderful eyes. Fuck is he gorgeous. 

"Hey um, come in." I step to the side for him to come in, "Want something to drink?" He sits on the large black couch as I close the door. Well that was quick. 

"Nah I'm good," he tells me. 

"So what brought you here?"

"Is it bad I come to see you Em?" he remarks raising an eyebrow.

I look down feeling my face get hot, "No. I was just asking."

"Are you blushing?" he asks. 

"No." I say too fast. 

"Lierrrr!" I cover my face and start laughing.

"Okay I'll stop," the boy in the beanie says.

"Thank you."

"You don't look sick Emma. Were you lying to me?" he wonders.

"Yea I was. I was just not in the mood," I half lie.

"You can talk to me Emma. What's wrong?" Why would he assume something's wrong? Can you really read me that easily?

"Nothing's wrong Jason. I'm fine." I give him the best smile I can. 

"Stop lying Em. I know you're lying."

"It's just I have a hard time trusting people, Jason," I look down at my hands in my lap, "I don't know if I can trust you."

"How can I prove to you that you can trust me?"

"I don't know Jason. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," he tells me grabbing my chin to look at him. "There's nothing to be sorry for."

I don't say anything, because I'm too lost in his eyes. I suddenly feel a warm touch on my lips. I open my eyes, not noticing I had them closed. I see Jason with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." he trails off.

"It's fine," I say, "I liked it." I lean into him, eyes closed. Our lips meet and move in sync, passionately. Our tounges dance with each other and I love it. The rhythm of our lips quickens and I'm running out of breath. I break our kiss gasping for air and smile at Jason who's as amazed as I am.

Apparantley I was wrong. "Emma this is wrong. I don't want to do this," once those words leave his mouth I feel shattered, "I mean I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you or something."

"You're not taking advantage of me Jason. I kissed you. So I'm sorry," I plead him. I don't want to lose him even though he irritates me at times. 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." He doesn't respond.

He stays over and I tell him about today at the park and the memory I had. He doesn't criticize or anything, just comforts me. 

He decide's to spend the night and we stay up watching Netflix in the living room forgetting we have school tomorrow. 

We don't fuck or anything we just watch TV shows and pointless movies. 

We're just friends. Only friends, I try to convince myself.


Late update cx haha 

sorry it's been boring. It'll get interesting soon c; lol

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