Chapter 6

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The next day I wake up at 6:30 to get ready for school. It's Thursday today so that's good I guess since the week's almost over. 

I drag myself out of bed and walk over to my closet. I slide open the right door and take out some black skinny jeans, a red shirt with a black and white skull on it, and a plain white hoodie. 

I take my pajamas off and pull on the clothing I grabbed from the closet. After putting my clothes on, I decide on wearing my black high top converse. When my converse are on, I grab my straightener and plug it in. 

By the time I'm done straightening my hair it's 7:15. I decide on eating some cereal. Froot Loops to be specific. Yea, they're my favorite.

Once I'm done I grab my keys, phone, backpack and earphones. I always have those bad boys with me. Can never leave home without 'em. Plugging in my earphones, I start walking to hell.

As I reach the school, Vitam R by Chevelle is blasting through my ears. Luckily Sam's not at the gate waiting for me today. Wait. What? She's not waiting for me. That's a first. I keep walking and head straight to my locker and get my books.

Like always, I head to Mr. Simons' class. Today he decided to get here early and open his door, unlike yesterday. I shouldn't admit it to myself, but so far thi day is going better than expected. Hopefully I don't come across any of the jocks. God are they annoying. 

I reach the classroom and find Mr. Simons behind his desk, head in his hands with eyes closed. I pull out an earphone and say, "Hey Mr. Simons. You alright?"

"Oh, hey Emma. I didn't hear you come in," he acts as if he wasn't doing whatever it was he was doing. I just give him a small smile and make my way through the maze of desks to mine in the back. 

I sit down and take out my notebook, pencil and an eraser. Yea I draw. Maybe not what you're thinking like people or things like that. I'm not that good. So far all I've drawn are a couple of band logos and random designs. I usually start out with a shape like a rectangle then just connect a bunch of lines and it comes out as a random design. I've been trying to draw a very detailed rose but so far I've failed miserably. 

I put in my earphone I took out earlier and attempt once again to draw a rose. 

I don't hear the bell ring and before I know it, pricks fill the classroom. I close my notebook and stop my music, taking out my earphones as well. 

Mr. Simons takes a deep breath and hesitantly exclaims, "Well class, start on your warm up that's on the board."

I put away the notebook I was drawing in and take out my notebook for this class. When I turn back around, Jason is in the seat next to me. I yell and quickly cover my mouth. No one turns around or says anything but Jason.

"Did I scare you Emma?" he whispers.

"Uh. Yea you kinda did Jason." I turn around to face forward and start on the warm up. 

"Sorry," he says so it's barely audible. We stay quiet for the rest of the time in class and make our way out the door when the bell rings. We start walking together to Geometry and the walk is awfully quiet so I decide to break the silence. 

"Jason we need to talk." I keep my eyes on the ground as we walk.

He stays quiet for a while then asks, "'Bout what?"

"About yesterday," I respond.

"Clearly right now isn't the time to talk about this so when do you wanna talk?" His words are rushed but understandable.

"I was thinking lunch or after school."

"After school," he quickly replies and walks faster to get away from me. Did I upset him? He shouldn't be upset though. I need answers and he's the only one I can get them from. He needs to be understanding right now. 

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