"I see." May looked over at me and cleared her throat."Mari..." that was my nickname, "I'm gonna, uh, go home and tell Jack the news. Please don't tell anyone yet. We'll have a staff meeting tomorrow." Before I could say anything May got off the stool and started to walk outside.

Seeing the woman who treated me like her own so distraught made me so angry. A new found confidence spurred through me as I talked to Lucien, "I hope you're happy with yourself." He seemed surprised yet amused as I spoke. "What is wrong with you? You can clearly see how upset she was and yet you continued like it was nothing."

"And how else was I supposed to give the news?"

"Not like this. Not so... heartless."

He stepped closer to me, "well maybe, gorgeous, I have no heart." He then left the diner. I don't know what over came me but I stormed outside after Mr. Salvatore.

"Hey, Mr. Big shot..." I called. He put down his phone and looked at me in surprise as I approached him. "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you cannot talk to people like that. Especially to someone as kind and caring as May Winchester."


"No. I'm speaking right now. You interrupted May so now you gotta listen to me. This diner is their second home. Hell it's mine, it's everyone's. They built this from nothing and made it what it is today..."

"What? Run down and old?"

"It may seem like that to people like you who come from money and can change anything by throwing a bit of cash here and there but this 'old' diner is warm and familiar and has a roof for anyone who needs it. It's not like they can really afford for an upgrade with Jack's chemo treatment but what would you know about expenses and struggling."

"You don't know me."

"I don't care. If you think you're getting this diner without a fight then you can think again."

He scoffed. His eyes trailed from my old converses to the top of my head. "You think you can win against me? Listen here, gorgeous, you may have a family fun diner but in the world of business money talks. I seem to recall you saying that the Winchester's have no money meaning that I win and I'm not changing my mind." I watched as he got into his expensive sleek black car and drove away. All that was left was my hatred for that vile man.

Three weeks later

"I still can't believe it's closing down," Jasmine said as she sat on my bed.

"I know." We tried to protest. May went down to the bank to talk to the them about the situation but it was of no use. The amount of money that Lucien Salvatore put down didn't allow the Winchesters even a little chance to somehow win the diner back.

"How are you going to afford to pay rent?"

I sighed, "I don't know. I've been applying left and right for a new job but no response."

"You can always come live with me and my flat mates or take May's offer and live with her. I mean no offence but the rent for this place is not worth what you're getting."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, "I know. The place is a little... run down but it's something I can call my own. Thanks for the offer but I need this place and I can't live with May and Jack they have way too much stress without me in the equation." My apartment wasn't fancy. It was quite old and run down. The paint on the wall was chipping, the bedroom was quite small, the sockets were old, the electricity goes out most of the time and the neighbours can be a bit questionable but it was still a roof over my head that I had earned which was something I was grateful for. Most people don't have any shelter so I appreciate even the things some people may call small.

"I understand but the offer still stands. I know you're an independent lady who don't need no man," I laughed, "or anyone really but I am here for you, Mari. If you ever need a place to stay or get into a spot of trouble please don't hide into you little shell and call me."

"I know you're here for me, Jas and I'm so grateful that you are. Thank you."

"Promise you will call me whenever you need help?"

"I promise." We shared a quick hug. "I gotta get to work. Not that long left till I won't be able to say that anymore."

"Something will turn up."

"I hope so."

* * * *

On the bus journey to work I thought back to the day when May came into the diner with Jack. They had called in a staff meeting and told everyone about the dreadful news. Many of them were shocked, furious and upset to say the least. It was not only a job they were losing but also their second home. Everyone was like a family at the diner. We saw each other almost everyday. May and Jack had no children so they considered us all their family. May and Jack always called me their daughter. I often wished they were my actual parents my upbringing would have been so different. After half an hour, I got off the bus and started the five minute walk to the diner.

In the car park was a familiar sleek black car. Please don't tell me it's who I think it is. I saw a familiar face in an expensive suit; Lucien Salvatore. "Amara," he called out to me. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk as he approached me. "Did you just roll your eyes at me, Miss Whitmore?"

"Yes I did, Mr Salvatore. Don't tell me you have some Fifty Shades of Grey fetish."

"Why? Are you interested in recreating some scenes with me?"

I scoffed but then stopped walking, "wait. How do you know my last name? I never gave it to you."

He smirked, "I have a proposition for you."

"I'm not interested." I continued to walk away.

"What if I told you it could save your precious diner?"

I stopped walking and turned around to face him. "I'm listening."

"Not here, Miss Whitmore. Meet me at The Morningstar tonight."

"The nightclub?" He nodded. "If this is a proposition to save the diner shouldn't you be discussing this with Jack and May?"

He chuckled lightly and started to walk towards me. A voice in my head said to take a step back but I couldn't move. He trailed his finger across my cheek, his chest and face a few inches away from mine and he leaned down closer to me. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "My sweet Amara, let's just say this proposition isn't suitable for anyone else aside from you."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll have to come to The Morningstar at 9pm tonight to find out."

"I can't. I have college tomorrow and I don't particularly like you."

"I know. Do you want to save the diner or not?"

"Yes but I-"

"Then I will see you tonight, gorgeous." He softly kissed my cheek, which surprised me, he then stepped back and left.

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