Chapter 48: The Holy Royals

Start from the beginning

"We'll do it," I said to Clara. Placing my hand down on the table, I glanced straight at her with determined eyes. "On a few conditions." Clara's eyebrow raised in curiosity.
"Yes, your highness?" She replied.
"We make a new army, one a level above the army Fiore already has," I explained. "It will be called fairy tail, and members will be identified by this mark."
Clara looked down at my hand, examining the insignia. "I must way, it is rather pretty. Lovely choice, my queen."
I blinked, surprised at the formal name.
"Sorry, it'll take me a while to get used to that," I muttered awkwardly. "Anyway, they will be the country's elite. They are made up of the people who just fought for their lives, so they deserve no less than the best."
Natsu nodded with approval, before butting in. "Also, any member of fairy tail has the choice of whether of not to join the army. And if they agree, their families should be paid for, so they can fight knowing their family is safely provided for."
"The choice should be made straight after everyone's recovered," I added. Clara turned to one of the maids, ready to give orders.
"Get ready to question everyone after recovery, girls," she ordered. "And come with a method of removing their fairy tail insignia if anyone so wishes it."
"Yes mam," they all said in unison, writing down notes in tiny pocketbooks.

"Conditon number two," I continued. "The king and queen are permitted to leave the palace, and are also permitted to enter battle."
"Yes, of course. You are the holy creators, I'm sure everyone would feel safe if you fought alongside your army to protect the kingdom," Clara added.
"Wait...what about everyone? How are we going to tell them about...the king..." I murmured.
"Yes, that will be rather troubling. However, I will leave it up to you two to make a speech," Clara advised. "It is your responsibility as royals, of course."
"Oh man, I'm regretting this already," Natsu said.
"That is not all, your majesties," Clara finished, bowing proudly. "We must dress you appropriately for your newly acquired positions."

"This dress is beautiful! Is it really mine now?!" I cried, gazing at the unbelievable amounts of diamonds and jewels and pristine fabric that I'd only ever read about in magazines. It was the first one I'd picked out from the wardrobe I'd been shown, and I was already in love.
"Yes, your highness! Everything in here is yours to wear whenever you like!" The maid chirped who had followed me in. Her name was Lilia, and she was one of my ladies-in-waiting. She helped me with everyday chores, such as getting dressed and sometimes serving my food. Clara was more in charge of duties around the palace and assuring they were met. I was told Natsu would have a personal servant like Lilia as well, only his would be male.
We would have to get used to this life. I told myself that again and again.

It took over an hour to get ready, however the finished product was amazing. I barely recognised myself as I stared through the gold plated mirror, my made up face and glistening crown gazing right back at me. The door suddenly burst open, and Natsu came barging through. He had similar style clothing on, with flashy gold and silver decoration, however his was obviously far more masculine. His crown was larger too, which matched the intimidating aura around him. Perfect for the kind of king I imagined him to be.
"Lucy, look at me!" He shouted, a stupid grin on his face "I've got a real crown and-"
He paused as he laid eyes on me. I faced him with confused eyes, looking around the room and at myself.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"You look...beautiful," he muttered.
"I-Idiot, why did you say that so dramatically?! This isn't some cliche rom-com you know!" I exploded, my face bright red.
Why am I even embarrassed? I clearly love him...and he knows it, too...
"Your highness, would you like me to leave you two alone?" Lilia asked, a slight giggle inside her that she was desperately trying to hide.
"N-No, its fine. We'd like to go and see our friends now," I replied, clearing my throat.
"Yes, my queen. This way," she answered, turning to head for the door. Just as we were about to follow, Natsu glanced my way and winked.
"You know you love me," he chirped.

"WHAT?!" Everyone cried out. I smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Yep, that's how it goes," I said. "Toma left us the crown in his will."
"What kind of king would leave such idiots to watch over a country?" Cana said to herself, however we all heard her loud and clear.
"Well, you two both seem pretty certain and prepared, so you clearly talked about it," Erza said. "Whatever you do, I'll support your decision."
"Of course, we all will...but it's still pretty weird, seeing you with crowns on your heads!" Levy giggled. "Oh- will we have to start calling you by a different name as well?"
"No way, that would be weird!" Natsu replied. "However, all the staff insist on calling us 'highness' and 'majesty' and all that..."
"This is so exciting!" Bisca added, clapping her hands together. "We should have a celebration in Fiore. That would take their minds off the war, too."
"That's not a bad idea, Bisca," Erza replied. "Although, we better focus on fixing that part of the city that was blown away..."

Clara walked in, a stern look on her face.
"Your majesties," she greeted, bowing her head. "There is important news. Draculos Hyberion's body has been discovered."
Everyone tensed up at her words. Clara's tone was sharp, as if the suspense in the room had grabbed her by the throat.
"Is...he alive?" I asked, swallowing my breath. Clara paused for a short moment, before answering with sad eyes.
So what do you guys think?
Gone from complete strangers to holy creators, and now king and Queen of their own country...
Natsu and Lucy I gotta say you're doing alright!

The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu AU Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now