16. Full Moon [ii]

Start from the beginning

Taking small baby steps towards my phone, a ferocious growl emit from the black wolf when I assume, he realised that the other pack is here to fight him. The black wolf twists its head to me and snarl, baring its teeth with saliva dripping.

That's when all hell breaks loose.

I adjust Robbie in my arms, tightening my arms around her butt and dive down, snatching my phone from the ground. Giving the scene before me a last glance, I ran towards one of the trees that the hammock is tied on and hide behind it.

Thunderous growl erupts from both packs, making the trees in the woods shaking and the ground vibrating. I had Robbie sides leaning against the tree trunk as I peek over the scene.

Sharp fangs being exposed, their eyes glowing red with fury from the black wolf pack. The other pack had the eyes glowing gold and orange. They had their paws on each other neck, some wolves were being thrown over to the ground as the opposing pack hovering over them.

I manage to see a glimpse of how does the other pack wolves look like; some have their fur in brown with a bit of grey over their ears and paws, while the rest have a light grey with white over their face and body.

A golden eye directs its gaze to me and I choke on my breath - those eyes! I've seen those eyes before! When we locked gazes with each other, I swore I saw it nodding its head curtly at me. But before I could apprehend what the wolf was trying to tell me, Robbie captures my attention.

"Avril is here. We have to go, now!" She states firmly, her voice didn't waver. This is a whole new side of Robyn I've ever seen.


"Indigo," She says, "I know she's here, okay. Just know that they will be distracted and won't hurt us in any way." She adds when she saw my eyes flicker to the wolves.

It's hard to believe a kid who tells you that the wolves won't attack us when they are fighting against each other, right before your naked eyes. How would I know that they'll be fully distracted and not rip our throats out once they have the chance to. They could easily take us down with those kind of size and huge paws.

"Look!" Robbie exclaims excitedly. "It's dad's car! Common Digo!" She tugs onto my sleeve.

True enough, there was Mr Reed's car in view. He swerves the car around sharply and parked it in a way that's it'll be easy for him to escape once we get on board. I mutter a prayer under my breath, although I'm not exactly a religious person but it doesn't hurt to pray for your own safety, to whoever might be listening.

I shove my phone into my pocket and brush the loose strands of hair off Robbie's face.

"If we were to die today, please know that I loved you as my own sister. I loved both you and Avril. And whatever secrets you guys seemed to be hiding from me, I won't mind because, I believe that it isn't my place to dig my nose into." I kissed her forehead, then her nose then her cheeks before hugging her tight. "I love you guys so much remember that." I whisper softly, my voice wavering at the end.

Robbie gave me a small smile, her green bluish eyes were glassy as tears were all welled up. "Digo, you gonna make me cry." She sniffs while wiping a shed of tear that manages to escape. She took a deep breathe and puts on her serious yet adorable mask on. "We have to get out before the fight gets out of hand, Digo."

I reply with a quick nod and slips my hand over to the other strap of my bag. I push Robbie to my front and cradles her using both arms that were placed underneath her butt. I instruct her to put her face against the crook of my neck and tighten her hold on me before I run as fast as my legs could carry me to the familiar black Range Rover.

I didn't look anywhere else but just to keep my focus on the car, which is the only thing in my mind currently. Blocking out all the fears, anxiety and worry that's flooded in my veins and clouding my mind, I increase my speed and succeeded in reaching the car unharmed. I pull the backseat door frantically, using one hand and pushed the both of us inside.


My hand instantly reaches out for the handle and pulls the door closed. Turning around, a black wolf manages to escape from the fight and was chasing the car down. Mr Reed steps on the gas as hard as he could, trying to get away from the scene. A grey wolf was not far behind, catching up to the black wolf.

The last thing I saw was when the grey wolf pounce on the black wolf, catching him off guard and hence roll onto the ground, exposing its neck. That's when the grey wolf decides to go for the kill. Pulling back its lips, exposing the fangs, he digs the teeth into the neck fiercely.

I cringe when the grey wolf did that.

The black wolf was struggling beneath him; extending all four paws, hitting the grey wolf with such force, which the grey wolf seems completely unfazed by it. Soon the struggling becomes weaker and weaker, and eventually it stops moving all together. The grey wolf pulls out its fangs, which was now coated in blood and as if sensing my gaze on him, he tilts his head upwards, meeting my gaze.

I sucked in a breath when our eyes met. It was the same pair of golden eyes that I've seen not only once, but twice. Next thing I knew, Robbie and Avril were yelling out my name, their voice was getting further and further until I couldn't hear anymore. Even in my subconscious state, I was pretty sure my ears weren't playing tricks on me when I heard Avril's voice. What is she doing here?

Avril Reed

"She's sleeping." Robbie says, after moments of silence. I direct my gaze over to the rearview mirror and saw that Robyn had placed Indie's head on her small lap while stroking her black hair. I brought my gaze back to the road.

"You know Eve, I almost tell her the truth when she thought that we're gonna die. She said if we were to die, she wants us to know that she loves us both and whatever secrets we're hiding from her, she won't ask us unless we want to tell her." She continues while trying to sniffle quietly.

I grip the steering wheel tighter, "I know."

"Then why are we still hiding this from her? You know, she's the reason why we're talking again." She paused. I caught a sight of her wiping an escape tear. "At first I was angry at dad for even doing that to you. Then when I found out what he's threatening you to do - I was waiting for you to tell her the truth, you never did."

"What the hell was I supposed to say Robyn!?" I exclaim in frustration. "Hey Indigo, we've been friends since forever and I forgot to tell you something major. I'm a hunter and I've killed someone's son with my own two hands. And there's my sister-"

"Enough!" Robbie abruptly wails, making me loosen the grip on the wheel which makes the car enters the opposite lane.


It's my first time writing this kind of scenes, so I apologise if there's any mistake & whatnot. It took me almost 3 days to come up with this scene, which doesn't normally happens.

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