Seth Rollins

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So as Kylie and her husband Seth Rollins were hanging out as he was focusing on his match against James Ellsworth as Kylie was super happy because she was pregnant but she also wished that she could be intimate with Seth. When Seth got on his ring gear as Kylie noticed she said "so when you beat James can you  come back and maybe we can have some oral sex." Seth then said "yeah I would love to give you some oral sex after my match against James." So after James hit Seth with the No Chin Music as Kylie was watching after she saw the expression on Seth's face told it all too well because he was shocked. So when he met up with Kylie she said "I'm so sorry to watch you lose because I thought you would win." Seth said "yeah I thought I would win too but I guess that I just overestimated myself." Just then Kylie said "I love you but can you just get to the sex that I know that you want." Seth said "well I just don't know if I'm really in the mood for sex right now." Kylie then looked at Seth and said "it's okay honey we can always try at the hotel." Seth then kissed Kylie and just went to take a shower. After Seth took a shower when he met Kylie as he looked at her he said "well I love you and I can't wait until our child gets here." Kylie then said "well I love you so much too and our baby will be so cute and I can't wait to meet him or her." So when Seth and Kylie got to the hotel as she laid down on the bed as Seth then found Kylie in a comfortable position so he then decided to give her some oral sex. After Kylie had her organism on Seth he said "I love you so much" Kylie then said "I love you so much too."

This was requested by Ambrollins123 thanks for requesting I hope that you like it

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