Harry went to get the mask that as part of the suit that Emely was wearing. 

"It was on the floor."

Barry held the mask tenderly as his heart sank. 


Jesse looked over at her father. "What happened to her?"

"Zoom took her."

"Em, l-"

"Don't call me that. Only my friends can call me that."

Emely was getting angrier at Jay by the second as he kept trying to convince her to join his side. 

"Emely. We've been through this, but have gotten nowhere. I need to know where you stand. I don't need an answer now. Just think about it. I'm gunna go out there and talk to my friends and you think about it. If you stay, then that means you're with me. But if you go, that means that you've chosen your friends over me instead, and I will show you exactly as much mercy as I will show them the next time we see each other. So there you have it." 

Jay took in a deep breath before pulling his mask on and walking out to his friends. 

"My brothers and sisters. I've brought us to this new world, which I lay before us defenseless, ours for the taking. The humans think that this planet belongs to them. Whose world is this?"

"Our world!"


Chaos had begun in Central City. 

Every single meta-human that Zoom had recruited to his side began running amuck throughout the city. The remaining police officers couldn't handle all of them at once. They decided to leave when Captain Singh got hurt, but the meta-humans wouldn't let them leave. Barry came, however, and put an end to all the chaos by taking the metas away. 

Emely was at home, mourning the loss of the beloved canine, as she began to worry if Barry was actually dead. She decided to go to S.T.A.R Labs and noticed everyone was there, minus Barry and Iris. 

"Emely, you're all right."

Her family and friends hugged her as she stared at Harry. 

"You killed him."

Hunter let go and stared down at her. 


"You killed him! You killed Barry!" 

Hot tears began to stream down her face as Hunter held her tightly in his arms. He brought her over to a chair as Cisco noticed Barry and Iris coming up the elevator. He ran out to meet them once they got off the elevator.

"Guys, you have to come see this."

Iris was the first one in and gasped as she saw Emely sitting in the chair. Barry followed behind and his heart swelled at the sight of his love. 


She looked up and through her tear filled eyes, she saw Barry. 


She sped to him, surprising everyone, including Barry. She placed her hand on his cheek and felt his soft skin against her palm, indicating that he wasn't dead. 

"I thought you were dead."

Barry shook his head as tears streamed down his face as well. 

"I'm here. I'm right here."

"Oh, Barry."

She hugged him tightly as he lifted her up and spun her around. He set her down and cupped her cheeks before crashing his lips onto hers. Everyone smiled at the sight of the couple being reunited, all except one person. Emely began to explain what had happened and what Zoom had told her and what he was doing. There was an alarm that went off and they saw that Mercury Labs was under attack. 

Harry walked over to Emely and handed her the mask for her suit. 

"Thank you."

She placed it on and smiled at Barry who was smiling at her. They both raced to Mercury Labs and saved everyone. Emely saved Dr. McGee and placed her next to Barry. 

"Thank you, Mr. Allen and Ms. Hart."

Barry and Emely shared a look. They brought Dr. McGee back to S.T.A.R Labs and took off their masks. 

"So how did you know?"

"Your real identity?"


"Come on, Barry. I'm a scientist. We're paid to be perceptive. As for her, I've never seen eyes quite like hers before. The mask doesn't really cover her face that well."

They caught Dr. McGee up on everything that had happened recently, including Harrison Wells' doppleganger. Emely was running on the treadmill due to Caitlin's request. She was doing fine until she saw Zoom's face. She lost concentration and went flying back from the treadmill.


Caitlin ran to help her with Alyssa in tow. They helped her up and noticed her expression. 

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Emely shook her head. "I'm fine." 

Zoom had made a Flash symbol on CCPD. Barry sped to CCPD and Emely went with him. 

"Nice to see you again."

Emely listened in as Jay and Barry conversed, Jay wanting Barry to believe that they were the same. A building started to collapse and Jay watched. 

"If I were you two, I'd let that building collapse. But that's where we're different. You both want to be heroes, and that's how I'll beat you."

Barry and Emely sped off, Jay smiling to himself like a creeper. They sped back to S.T.A.R Labs and began to discuss what they could do to stop Zoom from destroying another building. Emely was standing next to Barry when she saw Zoom's face and she let out a scream. She slowly backed up and Barry noticed. 

"Em, what's wrong?"

Emely sped home and went into the bathroom. She tried to lock it but Barry pushed it opened and held her tightly. 

"Emely, it's me. It's Barry."

She heard his voice and instantly began to calm down. 

"Barry. I see him. I see him everywhere."

"Who? Who do you see, baby?"


"Shh, baby. He can't hurt you."

He petted her hair as she cried into his chest. 

"He won't hurt you ever again. I promise."


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