Chapter 40

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"You're not my mother. Why are you doing this to me?"

"We're not doing anything to you, sweetheart. You're just so tired. Sit, Barry, sit." 

Barry sat down and sighed. "You were right all along. I haven't accepted it. Not for a second. I don't think I ever will."

Nora reached out and placed her hand on his. "My beautiful boy. You have to find a way."

Barry looked at his mother with eyes full of tears. 


"I don't know, but I know this. What you've become? It's wonderful. A miracle even. But it won't make bad things stop happening to you. Even the Flash can't outrun tragedies the universe is gunna keep sending your way. You have to accept that and then you can truly be free."

Barry nodded. "I know. I just miss her."

He sniffled. "I miss you so much."

"What if I told you she's proud of you? And of the man that you've become?"

"Who's telling me that? The Speed Force or my mother?"

Nora caressed Barry's cheek. "Both."

Nora brought him close and planted a kiss on his forehead. 

Back in S.T.A.R Labs, they were trying to find a way to escape from Tony when Cisco realized something.

"What if Barry wasn't ready to leave the Speed Force because he didn't wanna come back?"

Barry sat on the couch as Nora held a book. 

"Do you remember this book? It was your favorite."

They began to read the book together until the end, and Nora turned to him. 

"You're ready."

Barry stood up and the shadow whooshed in front of Barry. Barry closed his eyes and when he opened them, he saw himself in the Flash suit. They merged together as one as Cisco began to vibe Barry again. Iris was going to touch Cisco's shoulder as he vibed and Barry heard Iris' voice.  


He stepped forward and saw her with her hand out reaching to him. 

"Come home, Barry. Emely needs you. I need you." 

Nora stood up and had a smile on her face as Barry looked back at her. 

"Run, Barry. Run." 

Barry smiled and reached for Iris' hand, letting her bring him back. 

"I'm so glad you're back, because we're about to die."

Barry was confused. "Wait. What?"

Tony knocked down the door and Barry and Iris lured him back to Cisco's workshop. Barry then used his speed to charge the magnets which helped put Tony down. Harry went to go to Jesse's side and Barry followed shortly after. Barry grabbed Jesse's hand, the electricity sparked between them, and Jesse stirred until she finally woke up. 


Jesse looked around. "Where's Wally?"

Barry looked at Iris for an answer.

"He's home. He's resting."

"And Emely?"

Barry looked at Harry for an answer, but he didn't want to look Barry in the eye. 


Harry sighed before shaking his head. 

"When the explosion went off, Wally, Jesse and Emely got out of the Time Vault and got hit. Zoom came in here and saw that you weren't there, so he thought we'd killed you. He left and when we went to check on them, Wally and Jesse were there, but Emely wasn't. We thought she'd left until we found this."

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