A New Beginning

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Akara was a mostly peaceful world..just a world full of lush green fields and a unique non-humanoid species which I will not name currently for safety reasons. We were mostly wolf like in appearence but with a very powerful ability to shape the very things we stand on and another power which you will find out soon enough..

To this day I still don't remember fully what happened but I know that all my old friends and family are gone. As far as I know I'm the only survivor.
All I remember was the screams and flames I could hear and see through the black smoke clouds.. I could faintly hear my mothers voice calling me through the ash but I couldn't find her before collapsing from the flames.. when I woke up the land
was all dark and desolute.. the burned bodies of those I once called friends layed scattered apart as they fell.. I knew there was nothing to do but to flee the world before I was taken too.. I fled to a far away planet called Earth in hopes of a New Beginning..

Earth isn't so... welcoming for my kind compared to Akara so I try to blend in with the inhabitants of the world and so far have had no problems... my only concern is that Hybrid who seems very suspicious of me... he can probably sense somethings different... or it's something else entirely who knows? That's all I say for now.. more will be revealed in time...

A few months after I arrived on Earth I thought to myself..
Well I better head to the school otherwise people will get suspicious or I'll get in trouble again... not going through that again after last time..

The School was definitely different from the ones on Akara.. those schools were like black castles used for teaching our kind how to use our powers correctly by creating artificial islands to experiment with.. the schools here are much more focused on gaining knowledge of writing and using something called maths which was not a teaching on Akara.. the school was mostly an orange brown colour being made of bricks of course.. I have to wear this half black half red skull mask to make sure my powers don't go too far..

The class room is probably what you expect from a typical one.. tables layed out neatly all facing the front and the blue walls covered in drawings and paintings from young children.. this is what I remember from my first day

(In Class)
Teacher: welcome back everyone I see we have a new student... where are you from and why are you wearing a mask as if you want no one to see your face?

Karen: Well I rather not say where I'm from.. and the mask? Well I just prefer it after my face was badly burned in a fire.. I'm sure you understand...

Teacher: I've not heard any news about any fires are you sure you're telling the truth?

Karen: Well umm.. I did come from a very far away country.. maybe the news hadn't got here?

Other Student: I think she's lying to you take the mask off!

Karen: NO! I'm not lying. You're just making things up like most humans do!

Other Student: No you're...

Random voice interrupting: Leave her alone you idiots.. so she likes wearing a mask who are we to say against it? Not like it matters or affects anyone..

Teacher: I'm afraid wearing them is against school rules here so..

Karen interrupting: I'm not taking the mask off.. it's for the better.... for your sake not mine..

Teacher and other students: what's that supposed to mean?

Karen: *walking out the room* ha.. you'll see.. soon enough.... *I said in a deeper tone voice*

That is all I remember from that day.

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