chapter 3

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When I woke up I smelled the sweet aroma of eggs and bacon. I ran downstairs to find my mom cooking. She went to the store last night while I was texting and bought a bunch of groceries. " Good morning," she said as she placed my plate on the table in front of me. I ate everything quickly and went outside to get the mail. We got our adress switched quickly so the mailman starts delivering our stuff here today. The mail truck comes at six in the morning here. Back home it did not come till three in the afternoon. I grabbed all of the envelopes and walked back to the door. As I read through my JCpenny coupon book I stepped on a rock and slipped and fell. The mail went all over the place and my knee started to bleed.

"Here, let me help you," a familiar voice said. "Brent, you live right next to me?" I asked. "Sydney, it's you! This is so cool. Oh, are you ok?" "I'm fine," I replied and he helped me pick up the mail. I was embarrassed for he was already nicely dressed for the day while I was still in my tank and pajama shorts. He walked with me up to my door. "If you aren't doing anything today, my friends and I are going to the beach, want to come?" Brent asked. "Sure, just let me get changed first and tell my mom. I'll meet you in half in hour." "Great, see you then," Brent said an then walked away towards his house.

I told my mom and she was happy that I already made a friend. I brushed My teeth and washed my face then pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. I put on a little lipgloss but nothing else since we would be in the water. I put on my British flag bathing suit from Target and put a pair of shorts and a loose graphic tank top over my suit for American Eagle. I wiped the dried blood off my knee with a damp paper towel. I rummaged through my box of shoes to find my pair of flip flops that were green with blue polka dots. I grabbed a bag that was in another box and put a towel and a spare change of clothes in my bag. Before I left I put sunscreen on for I have very fair skin and lots of freckles so I burn easily.

I walked outside to find Brent waiting for me. "You look beautiful," he said and I blushed. We walked over to a car which one of Brent's friends from Jenny's was driving. I sat next to Brent in the back while a girl and guy sat in the middle leaving the driver sitting alone for no one was in the passenger seat. The girl smiled and started to talk to me. "Hi," she started, "I'm Megan and this is Cameron and the one driving is Jack." "Nice to meet you all," I replied. Megan continued to talk as Jack started the car and drove down the street. "So you're Sydney, right?" "Yes," I replied. "Well, when we saw you at the diner Brent thought you looked like a newbie so he decided to invite you today, right Babe?" She just called Brent babe. I had no idea he had a girlfriend. "Right," he replied. I sunk down a little further in my chair. "So you and Brent are dating," I said. Megan began to talk while looking at Brent. "Ya, we met at school last year and have been dating since last month." I was happy for Megan, but I was also mad because I kind of thought Brent might like me a little. I felt like crying. "We are here," Jack said. I was surprised for the beach was only like five minutes away from my house. I grabbed my bag and helped carry a beach chair to the sand. There was only a few people on the beach and most of them were far away. Brent brought me a beach chair to use so I set it up next to Megan's and began to read a magazine I brought. Megan clearly wasn't interested in talking to me for she put her headphones in and closed her eyes as she tanned. Jack, Brent, and Cameron ran to the water and began splashing each other. Brent was so hot without a shirt on.

I took out my phone and texted Jules.

Sydney: Hey what's up.

She texted back right away.

Jules: Oh, nothing much just getting ready for MY DATE!!!!

Sydney: No way! With who?

Jules: Justin, asked me out a few hours after you left

I was so happy for her. Justin has been here crush for two years now. At least Jules got her happily ever after.

Sydney: Guess who I'm hanging out at the beach with.

Jules: Your mom?

Sydney: lol, no Brent Rivera and his friends...and girlfriend :(

Jules: SO COOL and don't worry he'll dump her once he gets to know u better.

Sydney: Thanks, have fun and i'll text you later, Brent is coming over.

Jules: ok ttyl:)

Brent and his friends came out of the water and ran toward Megan and me. Brent was about to pick up Megan when she said, "Get me wet and you die." Brent then looked over at me sinisterly. He picked me up and brought me over to the water while Cam and Jack followed laughing. I squirmed to get loose. " Put me down!" Brent laughed as he placed me in the water. Cam, Jack, and Brent started to splash me so I splashed back. I was soaked! Brent then picked me up and put me on his shoulders and yelled, "Chicken fight!" Jack got on Cameron's shoulders and we started fighting. I was about to shove Cam when Brent stepped on a rock causing both of us to fall over. We laughed and he smiled at me. The guys gave us a hand and we stopped laughing when Megan walked over. " Brent, if you are done playing games with the guys and her, I'm hungry. Let's go to Jenny's.'' I could tell Megan defiantly didn't like me.

We all dried off and got back in the car. This time Megan made sure to sit next to Brent. Cameron was really nice to me and talked to me the whole car ride though. When we pulled up to the diner we got out and sat in a booth. Megan sat next to Brent and cuddled up to him and smirked when she saw me look. I sat on the other side between Cameron and Jack. We ordered and Megan would not stop talking to Brent. He had an annoyed look on his face. I could tell everyone wanted her to shut up.

Megan finally stopped talking when the food came. She ordered a salad while the rest of us ordered a burger. "You know," she started saying to me, "if you want to stay skinny, you really should not be eating burgers." I felt like punching her in the face. I frowned and sunk down in my chair. Brent started to talk. " I happen to like a girl whose not afraid to order a burger," he said. "Ya," Cameron and Jack said at the same time. I felt better since they stuck up for me. I looked over at Brent and he smiled at me. I then grabbed my burger and took a big bite.

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