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[ private chat _rmon and seokverse ]



what did he do to you?


you see, he's actually a good guy

but at the same time he's an asshole




my mom married him because she really loves him, he loves her too and due to his job we had to move to Europe

he's nice, most of the time

he likes me but, maybe a little too much


oh my, does he touch you?


no! not that!

at least not in that way

he really thinks of me as his son


but that's good, isn't it?


he's really protective of me and my mom

overprotective even

and when he feels threatened he gets violent


so he does hurt you..


he doesn't mean it in a bad way, one that is supposed to hurt us, or rather me


using violence on one's children isn't something to consider 'not bad'

it's horrible, Hoseok

it doesn't matter if he means it in a 'good' way, because it isn't

what's good about using violence on one's children??


the violence isn't the problem actually

it's that I feel trapped, he's controlling my every step

I can't do anything without him knowing it


oh my..

Hoseok, I think you need to get outta there


I can't

I can't just leave, I'd break my mom's heart


how can she be okay with him hitting you?


she doesn't know


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