Out of Kansas

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Chapter Twenty Four

(A/N: so like I wrote this months ago right? And months ago I happened to be very, very, BERRY obsessed with Yuri on ice.... So.... He he... Please don't hate me??)




There were a number of ways his first Junior Grand Prix final could have gone.

A number of ways in which it could have gone wrong.

He could have missed his cue or over rotated a jump or messed up his presentation due to nerves and come in dead last (which would have made him the sixth best junior figure skater in the whole world, but that's not what he was aiming for so it could still be considered 'wrong'.)

There were also a number of ways in which that day could have gone horribly wrong . He could have broken his leg or cracked his skull and bled out on the ice or have hit his head so hard enough to get amnesia. (Because competitive figure skating, for all its delicacy and grace was a truly brutal sport.)

So anyway, while there had been many ways that that day could have gone to hell, the world being attacked by flying demon creatures spilling out of boom tubes was NOT a scenario that he'd really bothered to imagine. (But honestly, considering the people he knew, was related to and who were in the stands rooting for him, he really should have put it on the list.)

And he starts running at the same time as everyone else, only in a different direction. He sees a gargoyle like creature attacking people further back and he extends his hand, murmuring a basic spell which knocks the creature out of the air and sending into crashing onto the stands. The creature gets back up only to be knocked back down by superboy. No one really notices because people don't really notice things when they're focused on running for survival. I mean, in the back of their minds they know that there are superheroes there, maybe some of them even noticed that Tye but he doubted they'd remember it later. And if there's any video evidence batman will take care of it.

Tye isn't a hero, not by any means.

But he's been raised in a way that he knows how to defend himself and wants to help keep innocents safe. He helps direct people out of the exits and the arenas empty in no time. (Save of course for the creatures and a bunch of superheroes. The flying things try to follow the people out but a black translucent wall of familiar magic stops them.

And Tye should probably get out of there too because as previously stated, he's not a fighter and would be more a liability that an asset.

Before he can really move though he sees a giant piece of rubble flying towards him and he would have been crushed if it weren't for the yellow and red blur that was his boyfriend (last he checked anyway.)

'Babe, your hair's in my face,' Niki's voice echoes in his head. And Tye rolls his eyes but can't reply because one minute Niki is running at super speed and the next he's knocked onto the ice. And he gets up to run again but ice is actually very hard to be on when you're not in skates, and then there's a brilliant white of a boom tube opening and they fall through it.

And going through it is really weird, because one minute Niki's running and it's white but the next it starts to shift and turn and there are images that he doesn't have time to make out. He feels disorientation and like he's being pulled in four different directions. He's never gone through one but he's sure that this wasn't how boom tubes worked. And then Tye see's a white light and if he squints he sees the familiar boards of an ice rink. 'Niki! There!' And then they're skidding back onto the ice, and Nikita doesn't manage to stop before crashing into the barrier. They're a tangle of limbs on the floor and Tye feels sick. His head is spinning and his vision is begging to darken. And then he blacks out.


Tye wakes up on a biobed. And everything's hazy but then his eyes adjust to the light. He slowly gets up and is met with the sight of....was that Uncle Dick? He's pretty sure it is. Only, no, because Uncle Dick is a lot older and he wouldn't be wearing that.

He wouldn't be wearing the Nightwing uniform because he hadn't been Nightwing in a while. But he can't really focus on that right now, because Niki is completely silent.

This could mean either of two things.

Either they were unconscious or the idiot was dead and Niki had already dies twice before so it really wasn't out of the realm of possibility which is why he's panicking.

"Where's Niki?!" He asks.

"I'm guessing you mean the other one who was with you," Uncle Dick mutters, almost to himself. He looks like someone has just told him the world was a square and it turned out to be TRUE.

"Uncle Dick, where's Niki? I can't hear him and..."

"How do you know my name?" The older man demands.

And Tye is confused for a few seconds before he pales and realization dawn on him; they are SO not in Kansas anymore.


(A/N: .....yeah. honestly this seemed like a good solid the g all those lights ago but now I'm not so sure? I decided to just post it... But I'd love to know what u all think? Thanks for reading this!♥ ♡


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