Game Changer

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Hello! So, today is my birthday!! YAY! I'm turning 18 years old! And as a sorry for not uploading for the until 27th of June here is a story i came up with yesterday at 2 am aka twenty minutes before i was exactly turned 18 years old...yeah i was born on Saturday 15th of May 1999 at 2:20 am! 

Anyways, i don't own the tv shows and movies or the pictures i used as covers for my story i found them on Tumblr and i thought they were nice so i used them. Furthermore i don't owe the songs i used in the story or any other story which i added songs...thought to put it out there.

What i do owe though is the idea of the story and the mixing up i did...oh! And i owe Alyssa and her parents since i came up with these characters!


I didn't realize how blessed I was to have a life like I did. I was a college student studying Psychology at Whitmore College in Virginia with dreams to work as a Psychologist in Chicago where my cousins Connor and Claire were staying. Just to get away from the supernatural that almost sucked the life out of me.

Being raised in Mystic Hills I saw and lived through so much sorrow and death. You know how the rest of the world thinks that Vampires, Witches and Werewolves are fictional beings designed to scare you...well in Mystic Hills, New Orleans and New York isn't that case...

Sorry to break it to you but those beings including monsters from Greek Mythology, demigods, Shadowhunters, demons and angels are a real thing!

I grew up fighting them...actually I grew up being taught how to fight them and I passed a significant time of my teen years fighting them, fighting to save my town, my friends, my family and myself.

I was eighteen years old but I feel so tired like I lived thousand lifetimes...actually that is exaggeration I felt like I already lived fifty years and I felt more than ready to leave this all behind.

My friends had already left it and I was left there alone my only friends were Scott and Stiles who were about to graduate and never return to this forsaken place.

Tyler was dead.

Olivia, Luke, Jo were dead.

Elena and Damon were off living their lives happily.

Stefan was dead.

My parents were dead for about eight years now.

So right now I was visiting my friends from New York and especially Julie, another magician like me and the rest of our friends such as Kady. And we found ourselves in a club as we smoked and drank to the music of Adam Lambert's Cuckoo!

When suddenly Margo showed up and grabbed both me and Julia and Eliot grabbed Kady's hand and dragged us to the dance floor to dance like the rest of the club.

We danced and I felt a little bit better as I laughed to Quentin's awkward attempts to dance.

"YOU SUCK! STOP!" I yelled laughing over the music at Q who continued dancing nonstop and Eliot joined him.

As I twirled around and started dancing with Margo I saw a yellow glow coming from the bathrooms that triggered my attention so I excused myself and went to check it out.

If I only knew what would follow...

As I walked inside the bathroom I could hear like a radio playing mixed songs from 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and current music and the light started trembling.

The Viatorem (The Traveler)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ