(Oneshot) Mirror Mirror [Part 1]

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I know I've been super dead on this site for the last few weeks but I found the Halloween Oneshot that I was working on for last October and decided to continue it, since it wasn't half bad. It was based off of the carousel horse drawing that I did at the beginning of October. I had some really good ideas for it, so it's going to be a little bit long. Two parts, probably.

Synopsis: Amber Strike is super excited to attend the annual Fear Fest at the Cloudsdale fairgrounds.... But it's not long until she realizes that something is off. Strange things can happen on Nightmare Night... But a portal to another dimension? That isn't possible... Is it?


Nightmare Night. His least favourite night of the year.

The stallion hurried up his porch steps, eager for the night to be over. Tonight they would wake up. Tonight they would try to kill him again. Tonight he would be passing the time in his house, hiding behind layers upon layers of top-level security, just like he had for the last 10 years.

But tonight was different.

His breath caught in his throat as he inserted his house key into the lock, and the lock didn't budge.

Something was wrong.

Someone had activated his systems before he could get into the house.

He was locked out.


"Hurry up, brat!" I yelled out the car window, impatiently tapping my hooves on the dashboard. "We don't have all day!"

Amber poked her head out of the second story window of her house. "Two more minutes, I can't find my scarf!" A shadow passed the window as something was thrown across the room.

I rolled my eyes and turned up the heater. It was a cold October day, and Amber decided to drag me to the Cloudsdale Nightmare Night Fear Fest. I had begged her to go with Chrystal, but she had insisted that her sister would ruin the fun. That I was the 'cool' sister. I had to remind her that I was not her sister. She did not seem to care.

After finally giving in, I begged Glaze about coming with us, but he already had a gig booked. Course, then I insisted him that he let me borrow the car, since the fairgrounds were farther away than the nightclub, and that didn't work, so here I am, waiting outside Amber's house, all alone, with a stolen pair of keys and a car that I don't really know how to drive.

I was forced to get my license back during police college, since the job entitled me to travel around in a badass police cruiser, but this car technically belongs to Glaze, and I've never driven it before. Well, if I've got it this far, I can get it all the way to the fairgrounds.

Finally, the amber filly trotted out of her house, wearing a long baby blue and green scarf that covered the entirety of her neck and mouth.

"That's what took you so long to find?" I queried as she entered the car. "It's so bright you could see it a mile away."

"It's super comfy. And my room is a mess, you can't blame me for losing it." She sighed, looking over the dark green hoodie that I sported. "Is that-"

"No," I muttered.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, so the car isn't the only thing I stole tonight, shut up, we all have hobbies."

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