(Oneshot) Hell Bound

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Sooo uh... Happy halloween everyone!

See I... Did have a oneshot for today... But I got caught up in writing Evacuate and didn't finish it on time. However, I felt bad about having nothing to post today, since halloween is my favourite holiday, after all, so I found a draft of last year's April Fool's plans (that also went unfinished) from back while I was writing Awoken 2. This alternate ending is set in A2:INO at Mystery's funeral, right before it starts, when Glaze and Amber are waiting for the call from H.

However, in this version, you will quickly find that H is not Hide Atmosphere.

It's not my best work (and it's kind of short), but enjoy!


Amber shifted around in her seat, trying her best to look anywhere but at the large black box that sat on the table. It had been closed for almost 10 minutes, but she still couldn't bring herself to look at it. The funeral was to start in about the same amount of time, and she wasn't quite looking forward to that, either. She really didn't want to see her friend lowered into the ground...

Glaze looked down at her, concerned. "You seem worried."

She shook her head. "No... Not worried, just... Depressed, I guess. I've been to funerals before, it's just... I don't know. This one seems different."

He shrugged. "I don't think it'll be too long. After your speech, you can probably tune everyone out. You don't even have to listen."

She didn't answer, just looked at the seat of her chair, not wanting to meet his eyes.

It was then that Glaze felt his pocket buzz, once again. "Amber..."

She looked up.

"H is calling again."

"But the fune-"

"I'm going to sneak out of the room. you can stay here if you want, but I want to know what this is about."

"I want to know too... But... Our speeches..."

Glaze paused, and looked back up at the box that was sitting on the table. "I'll be quick. It shouldn't take too long, it's just a deal."

"Hmph... Alright. I hope we don't get locked out..." She hesitantly got up from her seat and followed him back out into the lobby, where they made their way back into the family washroom and locked themselves in a stall again.

Hesitantly, Glaze drew the device out of his pocket and pressed the red button. There was a spike of static on the screen, and the number 1 appeared once again... Then cut to static for a split second, and began to glitch out.

He hit the device with the side of his hoof. "This thing is shit. You'd at least expect H to send us a quality communication method."

"Maybe it was a last minute thing, and he had to throw it together himself," Amber suggested.

"Hmm, I don't know..." Glaze watched the screen, which was constantly changing numbers.

25. 15. 21. 18. Glitch. 20. 9. 13. 5. Glitch. 9. 19. Glitch. 21. 16. Glitch. Glitch. Glitch.

The device kept frantically glitching, before it settled on one number... 666.

"What the buck...?"

The screen cut to static, and a demonic voice began to speak.

"Hello Glaze. Amber. How have you been?"

Both ponies were taken aback by the fact that the speaker had not used their full names, as he had before.

"Alright H, turn the camera on, you said this would be a video chat!" Hissed Amber angrily.

The voice laughed. "Of course I did... But hey, there's no need for that. You just saw me, not two minutes ago, and you'll see me again in mere seconds. See, the thing is... I'm already here."

"Wh... What?" The thought sent a spike of fear through both of them. H is here... What if this was all a trap...?

"Of course it was a trap..." The voice snapped back, and Amber nearly screamed. Did I say that out loud or... Did H read our minds?!

"I laugh at your stupidity, both of you. You really thought anything I told you was true? Did you really think that I had a deal for you? That I barely knew who you were? Did you really think I was a stallion?"

Glaze's heart sank. But... But that's not possible... It can't be...

"Ah well, that won't matter anyways. I'm just here to get revenge. I'll be there in two minutes, but just incase you decide to run away..." H began to laugh hysterically, and suddenly the screen cut out, and turned red. Numbers began to flash across once again.

10. 9. 8. 7.

"What the... Oh buck. Buck." Glaze through opened the stall door and chucked the device into the sink, turning on the water and drenching the circuits. It continue to count down.

6. 5. 4.

He cursed and threw it at the wall as hard as he could, then grabbed Amber roughly by the hoof and pulled her out of the bathroom.

3. 2. 1.

The noise was deafening. The heat was intense. But the pain was undoubtably the worst part.

Neither pony could move. Glaze looked around for Amber with his eyes, since no other muscle seemed to be functioning properly, but he couldn't see her anywhere. There's the possibility that she's behind me... But even if she is, is she alive?

He turned his eyes back to the scene in front of him, and widened them at the sight of a scarlet light emanating from the ground.

What's going on... Why is this happening...?

A blood red smoke-like substance began to drift up from the strange circle of red glow, and Glaze stared in horror as a form began to take shape. In the place of feathered wings, were sharp, dragon-like ones. Where a normal tail should have been, there was a long tail with a spear like tip. Both ears were curved and tinged with red, similar to horns. Skin and fur was torn off all over her body, giving it a zombie-like appearance.... But it was her, it was definitely her.

She grinned, revealing razor sharp teeth. Glaze's heart skipped a beat. Holy shit.

"Remember me?" Her voice was slightly distorted and creepy sounding, though it was still her voice. It was sure as hell her voice.

Glaze could open his mouth to answer back. It was like he was completely paralyzed, not able to move a muscle.

She laughed. "You don't? Oh, figures... Let me reintroduce myself... I now go by H. Represents the place I crawled my way up from... Now, here's the real deal... You'll be put you out of your misery, and I'll have 'friends' to rot in hell with me for all of eternity."

He struggled to keep his eyes open, but the world was gradually going dark.

"A fair trade... Is it not?"

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