Saeyoung - I wasn't going to let them hurt Saeran.

Zen - Can you two argue after Jumin answers.

Jumin - whatever

That's the most informal thing I've ever heard come from Mr. Director's chat bubble - Kira

Jumin - I hope you have a better choice in friends than you do boyfriends.

Zen - oooohhh

Yoosung - savage

Jaehee - I'm getting pop corn.

Saeyoung - You can attack me, but if you bring Kira into this you will regret it.

Just as the civil war was breaking out the door to the apartment opened up and in walked the beautiful Heejae. "Guess who's the newest member of the RFA," I sang, ignoring the war blazing on my phone.

"Did they agree?" She asked, sounding excited, setting her stuff into her desk.

"Yup," I nodded, "You can come on now, they are all on, but Jumin and Saeyoung are fighting. I recommend popcorn for this entertainment."

"You get popcorn, I'll sign in," we divided by the tasks.

Hj has entered the chatroom

Saeyoung - How would you feel if they tried forcing drugs onto Elly

Jumin - Her name is Elizabeth the third.

Hj - Saeyoung....

Hj - You really set my name to this.

Saeyoung - HJ!!!!!!

Zen - Is this...

Yoosung - The new member?

Jaehee - This is the most entertainment I've had since the last time I watched on of Zen's DVDs.

This is, Hj - Kira

They are my friend from college, and my roommate - Kira

Hj - brb

Hj has left the chatroom

Yoosung - Where'd they go?

Zen - If you're living together...

Zen - Dose that mean Hj, is a girl.

No, she's a horse - Kira

Yoosung - I didn't know horses could type.

I didn't know omletes could, but hey - Kira

Saeyoung - How much sleep did you get?

Heejae has entered the chatroom

Heejae - She hasn't slept at all since she got back.

Heejae - and really Kira, really.

Jaehee - You're awfully quiet Mr. Han, are you alright?

Saeyoung - He's just salty that he lost the argument.

Jumin - This isn't over Saeyoung.

Jumin has left the chatroom

Heejae - Awe, I wanted to properly introduce myself to everyone.

Zen - We should do the same.

Heejae - No need

Heejae - I've heard plenty of all of you from both Kira and Saeyoung.

Yoosung - They talk about us?

Heejae - A bit too much in my opinion

Heejae - Anyways...

Heejae - I am Heejae Ree. I am twenty two years old, and I recently moved back to Seoul. I am staying with Kira for the time being, and I hope I can be friend with all of you.

And looks super pissed at me - Kira
* pic of Hj glaring at the camera*

Saeyoung - Just go to sleep Kira.

Zen - What did Kira do?

Heejae - She's throwing popcorn at me.

Kira has left the chatroom

I spun around to face my laptop. I had just gotten a new email from work, I had more work to do. I groaned and slid down in the chair. "More work?" Hj asked, knowing my complaint groan.

"Everyone feels like o can just edit their work for them," I complained, "And I'm on a probationary period, if I complain I lose my job."

"Ha," she faked laughed at my misery. "I can help you with the RFA stuff now."

"Hopefully Yoosung will stop obsessing over me soon," I changed the subject, not sure what she could do at that point.

"Seven's wants me to force you to go to bed," she said, even though I knew she wouldn't.

"Tel him when Jumin acknowledges he's gay," I disagreed. It was only nine, and I still had work to do.

I am MC (Mystic Messanger fanfic) - DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now