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For some reason it took longer to make the same progress I could do before. What toll a day, took a week. Yoosung finally recognized that I wasn't Rika, and only three more weeks with a cast, or less.

If rest of this went at the same pace I would need six more weeks to make Yoosung happy. But then again, part of the route was making Yoosung accept Rika was dead, and we all know she wasn't. I had also acpetrd the part time role of being the leader of the RFA, which didn't entail much, just needed to work with Jumin to decode where to donate the money to.

"Kira," Saeyoung popped his head into the room. I was still staying at his place, for the time being. It was getting pretty late, and I was busy working. "Want some company."

"Only if it's yours," I joked. I came over and laid down on the bed, laying his head on my folded knee. "How's Saeran?" I couldn't help but ask. His already gloomy face became even dimmer.

"I thought he was getting better," he sighed, explaining the situation to me, "but he attacked the therapist today. They either want to force drugs on him or bring his to the psych ward. I don't want either to happen to him."

"Then break him out," I shrugged. It sometimes helped knowing what was going to happen.

"Are you serious?" he asked, astonished by my proposal.

"It's not like they can easily break into here, so they can't come take him away," I pointed out. "And if it would make you more comfortable I could go back to my apartment."

"I don't want you to be alone," he whimpered. He reached over and grabbed my casted hand, stroking my thumb.

"I sorta have a roommate..." I awkwardly laughed. He looked at me confused, "They're my friend from college, and they just moved back to the city, and I offered for them to move in with me, but it was before the whole Mint Eye thing..."

"Are they a boy or a girl," he asked bluntly.

"They're a girl," I laughed, "You should go to sleep, you've got bags under your eyes." I pushed his bangs out of his eyes.

"So do you," he pointed out.

"I've got to finish this though," I told him, "Its either me or Jaehee, and she already has enough work."

"Yoosung has been freakibf out over all the work you're doing," my boyfriend laughed, watching me work on the budget plan.

"He seems to be worried about me more than you," I teased him.

"I just know what you're capable of," he smirked, and closed my laptop, "With the proper amount of sleep."

"Be happy I love you Choi," I yawed, trying to be threatening.

"Trust me," he pulled me down into a laying position, "I do." He pecking me on the lips and wrapped me in a hug.

Yoosung has entered the chatroom
Zen has entered the chatroom

Yoosung - I'm worried about Kira.

Zen - You really need to stop worrying about her.

Zen - Saeyoung isn't even that worried.

Yoosung - But she used to be in every single chatroom,

Yoosung - Now she's barely in any.

Kira has entered the chatroom

Zen - She's probably sick of your worrying

Yoosung - Kira!

I am MC (Mystic Messanger fanfic) - DroppedWhere stories live. Discover now