Mint Eye

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"Do you have all your things?" Saeyoung asked me. I just shuffed my hair brush into my bag.

"I don't have a good feeling about this," I told him. I had this feeling of nausea in my stomachs that wouldn't go away. I didn't eat because I was scared it would come back up.

"I don't either meow!" the robot cat agreed with me. It was probably getting it from how I was constantly think about what was going to happen.

"Then I should check my weapons again," Saeyoung said, trying to make me calm, "Robot cat, change to power saving mode." The robot cat turned off.

"Let's check our schedule again," Vanderwood walked into the room, appearing to be in thought.

"You remember the log you saw yesterday?" Saeyoung brought his attention to his college, "The agency is tracking us like crazy." I left the room to make sure I packed everything. At least that I'd what I made it look like. I knew with in due time V would come and take us to Mint Eye. I grabbed two things, a switch blade and my phone, taking it out of the case.

I was wearing thick ankle high boots. I put my phone and knife in the bottom of one, and put my foot in after. I sorta walked with a limp, put it wasn't too noticeable.

"Shut up!" I heard Saeyoung yell from the other room, "Just tell me why you're here!" I made my way back to the room, trying to get used to walking with thing in my boot.

"Don't forget her!" Saeran yelled pointing at me.

"Kira, get out of here!" Saeyoung yelled getting dragged out of the cabin. I never got to decide what to do, instead I was grabbed and pulled out of the cabin too. I put up little resistance.


"Savior!" Saeran yelled as we were pushed into a room behind him.

"I brought them here just like you said Rika," V added, as he somehow was able to follow us. I knee he was completely blind at this pint, and had no clue how he could walk without numbing into things. I barely could do that with sight.

"Rika...!You're alive!?....What?" Saeyoung freaked out. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The pictures couldn't do her justice. Not with her appearance, cause they were spot on. It didn't clearly depict how insane she looked. I didn't know if what I was seeing what iris or pupil. Her face was stiff, as if it never moved. Her hair stuck up everywhere, like she was pulling it from paranoia. There were large bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. She was the spitting image of insanity.

I didn't even process what had been said, and was dragged away with Vanderwood and Saeyoung. We were taken down to a cell. Luckily we were all together. "My god. How are you still sane?" Vanderwood asked Saeyoung, "I tied the bandages again but you might die like this."

"Kira," Saeyoung came over and sat down next to me, "I'm sorry. I told you I would protect you but I'm so weak. And I can't believe you're here. Are you hurt? I saw you limping. We're going to get out of here, and.... I'll make sure you're safe. Even if I have to risk everything..."

"Saeyoung," I stoped him mid sentence, grabbing onto his hand "I'm fine, I'm more worried about you than anything else."

"That woman is really something," Vanderwood mumbled. He still didn't use my name.

"Vanderwood," Saeyoung got his attention, "You don't have any transmitting device? Don't you have a phone hidden somewhere? Please tell me you do."

"Sorry I don't have anything," Vanderwood shrugged. Saeyoung started wondering what he could do with what he had access to. I pulled off my boor, having my phone and knife fall to the ground.

"Will these help?" I asked admise a laugh.

"You're beautiful!" Saeyoung declared, coming over and giving me a quick kiss. He grabbed both the things off the ground and started working. I needed to take my mind off of everything, I still felt like I was going to vomit, but worse. I brought my mind onto a anything but that. I didnt even notice V arrive. The only thing that brought me out of my subconscious was the mention of my name.

"Why did you even bring Kira into this!?"Saeyoung yelled at him, "You were just planning on using her."

"Saeyoung," I inturpted him, "He had nothing to do with this. I willingly joined the RFA, at any point if I wanted to leave I would of. No one was using me."

"But they could have hurt you," he explained. Reaching out to me, it was his first time ever seeing me be angry.

"But I'm not," I reminded him. "You couldn't easily find information on me,  it would have been easy for anyone else."

"Awe," a new voice entered the room, "Such a lovely lovers quarrel." Out from the shadows immerged Rika. Saeyoung grabbed my arm and his me behind him. "I'm sure you were shocked when you saw Saeran. But you've got to admire his loyalty. He got a tattoo of the Mint Eye logo on his arm."

"What happened to you?" Saeyoung asked the insane one.

"You have to get one too," she completely ignored him, "It's good to be more like Saeran."

"Why did you do this to Saeran!?" Saeyoung continued to question the one he thought was dead.

"I saved him," she answered, " And I'll save you too soon. But it will take time to make sure your brain is happy. You'll need to go through a certain process. It takes time."

"I can't forgive you," Saeyoung hissed, "Who said you could do that to my brother." He winced in pain. I grabbed onto him, to stop him from falling.

"Hey calm down," Vanderwood instructed him, " You shouldn't get worked up right now. You're hurt and have someone to protect."

"It'll be great of we had twins in our group," Rika continued to talks to herself.

"Rika," V interrupted, "Stop involving innocent people."

"Oh," she literally laughed in his face, "I forgot about you."

"If you involve more people, you will only feel more empty," V informed her, "You know this."

"Empty?" she laughed, "Not at all. What should I do with you? I don't have any plans to include you. So, maybe I'll use you to implant fear into everyone and throw an eternal party."

"As I said, do as you please," V agreed to it. I clenched my jaw. Love is not ment to be like that. V deserves to be treated so much better than that.

"It has nothing to do with me," Rika said, as of she wasn't controlling the entire cult, "I'm make the decision for everyone else. Let's see how long you can stay confident. It will be such a fun event." Soon after Rika left the rest of us were brought back out to the main room, where the entire cult was waiting.

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