Lance Rant

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You know, thinking about Lance feeling like the 7th wheel, I realized something that I haven't seen very often, if at all in regards to the pairings in the group.

Keith and Shiro are obviously very close, as are Allura and Coran (Duh, only Alteans left in the existence). They are often partner together or are seen around one another.

We can infer that Hunk and Lance were incredibly close before Pidge came into their friend group, just based on the way that they interact with each over. But as season 1 ended and went into season 2, I noticed that Pidge and Hunk seem to hang out way more often than Pidge and Lance or Lance and Hunk.

It's not even a matter of him feeling useless, guys. He literally feels like the seventh wheel, because everyone else is paired up friend wise with someone else.

The poor child needs a hug from everyone. (>^~^)>  <(^~^<)

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