In Memories • A Yogscast Story

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In Memories • A Yogscast Story

Part One: The Fight for Minecraftia

It tells the lost tales of the first heroes of Minecraftia, who had dared to have ventured the far and dangerous lands.

It begins with a dwarf, exiled from the dwarf kingdom of Kaz Modan and his redemption on finding his inner dwarf and reconnection of trust and care.

Then comes a space commander, who has fled his planet from the tormenting scenes of war with his sister. He is brought to a new land to find his bravery and freedom from his controlling life.

And finally: the sister of the space commander, only a healer and a maker. She earns to learn and to slowly find a place in a society; she wants a purpose after choosing to flee for her life with her brother.

The three unknown meet, once the dwarf finds a shooting star. And unexpectedly, it became clear that it had been the crash of an alien spaceship.

Now stuck on the land of Minecraftia, the three are destined to defeat the sands of time and the lord of the Nether.

But first, they will have to survive the first night to know what it takes to work as a team.

And maybe...grow to become a family.


A/n: a little side story for those who have loved the Yogscast since SOI and I thought having some nostalgic feels may be good to come back to.

This story will be mostly surrounding the plot line of SOI but is set in to three parts: kind of like a Star Wars trilogy but each part is kind of like a few chapters long.

I don't know when I'll have the first chapter done, considering I am updating other stuff. But I wanted this out to ask you reader if you have any opinions about this.

Please leave a comment and I hope you had enjoyed a teaser of In Memories. :)


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