a few weeks later/ last chapter

103 3 4

Jeff's POV

I've just had a match with my brother against Edge and Christian so now we are walking back to our locker room we heard the girls they were laughing

Matt: we can go see the girls in a min

Jeff: okay

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish are in my locker room I bet people think we are laughing instead we are crying why? you ask well Test and Albert came into my locker room and attacked us we then saw Kane and Taker come in my locker room and took Albert and Test out we are hurt

Trish: boys

Lita: oh shoot yeah

We quickly covered the marks with makeup

Lita: *smiles* gosh it's so good to finally be with my best friend and to talk

Trish: was the reason about the you know what

Lita: yeah it's okay you can say it I'm not going to cry or anything I'm over him

Trish: may I ask what happened?

Lita: sure since you told me your story I think it's fair I tell you mine anyway me and Edge we dated

Trish: I remember that .... sorry carry on

Lita: anyway I was happy and so was he well so I thought a few weeks later he broke up with me because he lost feelings for me and he went with Mickie James I loved him so much but after some time I go over him and now I'm fully over him because I love Matt more than I loved Edge

Trish: awe Lita good job you got over him and you and Matt are a match

Lita: thanks Trish so are you and Jeff

???: girls

Lita: *looks at Trish worried*

Trish: *whispers* calm down

Lita: *nods* come in

Jeff: hey

Trish: hey how was your match

Jeff: it was okay

Matt: how are you two

Lita: we're good just laughing and talking about the good times

Jeff: good

Matt: *notices Trish and Lita's arm* girls

L&T: yeah

Matt: what's on your arm

Lita: what do you mean?

Matt: *gently grabs her arm*

Lita: *eyes widen*

Oh no please no the makeup was rubbing off

Matt: who did this?

Trish: erm

Jeff: Trish

Lita: no one we accidently fell

Trish: *nervous* yeah silly us

M*J: girls

???: wow those marks won't go for a few months

Matt: why do you care Edge

Edge: well I know who hurt the girls

Jeff: tell us

Edge: or what

Matt: we will get Kane

Edge: *eyes widen* okay it was Test and Albert they hurt the girls while you were in a match

Jeff: they are so dead

The boys ran out of the room

Lita: Edge what the heck

Edge: look Lita I'm sorry for what I did please can we be friends

Lita: fine but don't hurt me or Trish

Edge: deal

End of POV

Matt's POV

Me and Jeff walked out of Lita's locker room well ran out of the room and went to find Test and Albert we finally found them talking to Michael Cole we jumped on them and started to hit them they tried to get us off of them when we jumped off their backs we then moved out the way because 4 other wrestlers came and started to hurt Test and Albert it was Kane, Big show, Taker and Triple H 

Albert: get off us you freaks

Uh oh me and Jeff stood there and then Kane and Taker grabbed Test and Albert by the throat Kane had Albert and Taker had Test

Taker: what did you call us

I saw some officials come they tried to get Kane and Taker to drop Test and Albert let's just say that did not end so good

Triple H: *faces the Hardy's* we will take it from here

Jeff: make sure they suffer

Big show: why?

Matt: they abused Trish and Lita

Taker&Kane: You are so dead

Big show: you guys better go

Hardy's: thanks guys

Triple H: no problem

We ran back to Lita's locker room and saw them holding their arms

Matt: what happened

Lita: oh they grabbed our arms really tight luckily Trish didn't faint

Trish: no I'm all good

Jeff: phew

L&T: thank you boys

M&J: we love you girls and we don't want anything or anyone to hurt you

Lita: awe

Trish: you lot are the best

Lita: well you're the best as well

Matt: well I can't believe I'm going to say this but if it wasn't for Jillian I wouldn't have met Lita

Jeff: if I didn't meet Trish I don't know what I would do with my life because I love you Trish

Trish: I love you too Jeff Hardy

Matt: Lita

Lita: yeah

Matt: promise me that you will stay in my life forever

Lita: I promise

Trish: before you ask Jeff I promise I will stay in your life as well

M&J: *smiles*

We were happy and we started to talk about all the fun times we had and I hope Test and Albert have learnt there lesson

Matt: hey is anyone here a bit confused with Kane and Taker

Jeff: I am

Lita: me too

Trish: and me

Matt: why did they help us so much?

Jeff: it was either both of them or one of them

Lita: they saved mine and Trish's life ...kind of

Matt: what do you mean?

Trish: Test and Albert came looking for us while you guys were in a match

Lita: no it was when they were in the hospital

Trish: oh yeah anyway they came looking for us they were about to hit us when Kane and Taker came and saved us we thanked them and ran back to my locker room and locked the door

Jeff: wow anyway I'm glad you girls are save

Matt: me too

Girls: *smiles*

End of POV

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